thorrak / tiltbridge

Tilt Hydrometer to WiFi Bridge
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Add board support for M5Stack M5Stick-C; add "no LCD" support #176

Closed TaplistIOTeam closed 3 years ago

TaplistIOTeam commented 3 years ago

Per discussion, it may actually be quite feasible to get the display working on this device. I gave it a shot and didn't get it to work; figure checkpoint this here & continue tinkering.

lbussy commented 3 years ago

As I said on HBT, I have an M5 sitting here. As John will tell you, I can't not eff with a problem so I'll have a look tomorrow.

lbussy commented 3 years ago

So, uh, @TaplistIOSupport ... how the hell do you get the M5 stick into flash mode? I've tried everything I've been able to google. It's running the demo but that's all I can get it to do.



I hated to even ask but I'm done being proud. :)

TaplistIOTeam commented 3 years ago

Ah! I used the PlatformIO command line tools:

$ pio run -e m5stickc --target upload

I believe how this works is it strobes the usb serial port's RST line, but don't quote me on that.

lbussy commented 3 years ago

Yeah, that's how it's supposed to work. For whatever reason, it's not working with the stick. All it does is reset the device over and over but never quite "catches" the bootloader.

I'm using PIO as well. I guess I'll have to find my star-point bits, tear this apart, and see if I can do a button dance.

TaplistIOTeam commented 3 years ago

Hmm yeah, I'm new to this device, wish I had more tricks up my sleeve. (To be honest I was a bit surprised I was able to get it all working as quickly as I did!)

TaplistIOTeam commented 3 years ago

Okay, a tiny bit of digging suggests some possible workarounds, rootcaused in the usb-serial device:

lbussy commented 3 years ago

I did the G0 to GND dance, I can see it's entered bootloader mode but it will still not flash, strangely. The driver mentioned is for MacOS only and I am on Windows.

I'll get back to it later today maybe and see what I can do.

lbussy commented 3 years ago

Okay, setting RTS and DTR manually, grounding G0, and a small animal sacrifice all worked. Now I can test.

TaplistIOTeam commented 3 years ago

Rad! I hope the animal wasn't very cute. Cheers!

lbussy commented 3 years ago

First blush: I HATE this damned board! There does not seem to be the same support for a reset initiated from the serial connection, so the jumper wire is required every time I want to flash. I have it running, however, mDNS is not responding at the moment. Other than that it seems to work.

More poking is necessary.

TaplistIOTeam commented 3 years ago

I have it running, however, mDNS is not responding at the moment. Other than that it seems to work.

Hmm! Wonder what that could be. Mine responded to mDNS without any additional coaxing.

lbussy commented 3 years ago

There's exactly no telling. The good news is, I seem to break things pretty well so as a tester I'm golden.