thorrak / tiltbridge

Tilt Hydrometer to WiFi Bridge
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connect to hidden ssid #18

Closed monty124 closed 3 years ago

monty124 commented 4 years ago

testing tiltbridge on a ESP32 OLED and I cannot seem to get it to connect to a hidden ssid wifi connection. In addition once i do connect it to a broadcast ssid, i cant connect directly using the ip displayed on the oled screen and on a power cycle nothing is retained, it goes back to the tiltbridgeap configure screen. are there any logs we can look at to try and debug?

thorrak commented 4 years ago

There are not, unfortunately.

monty124 commented 4 years ago

ok thanks for replying, should it hold the config on power cycling? any tips on where i can look to try and work out what is going on? i can see some refrences to serial output in the code but it does not look like much

lbussy commented 3 years ago

I tested this creating a soft AP with a hidden SSID as follows:

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <Arduino.h>

const char *ssid = "softap";
const char *password = "password";

void setup()
  WiFi.softAP(ssid, password, 1, 1); 

void loop() { ; }

I am unable to reproduce this issue. Can you provide additional information?

monty124 commented 3 years ago

oh wow this was indeed a while ago! I couldn't get this working, i was trying to connect to a hidden ssid from the built in web interface but it would not save I ended up abandoning this as I could not get it to work, I'll close this comment and if i get a change to revisit and have issues again I will log an issue thanks for taking a look anyway.