thorrak / tiltbridge

Tilt Hydrometer to WiFi Bridge
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Home Assistant MQTT discovery is not working #194

Closed ddyeakley closed 2 years ago

ddyeakley commented 3 years ago

After discovery sensors do not show up on the MQTT Integration. While the config topic is being generating at 'homeassistant/sensor/tiltbridge_tilt_BlackT/config' it appears with out a uniq_id the sensor is not discovered.

The following does not work:

  "dev_cla": "temperature",
  "unit_of_meas": "°F",
  "ic": "mdi:thermometer",
  "stat_t": "tiltbridge/tilt_Black",
  "name": "Tilt Temperature - Black",
  "val_tpl": "{{value_json.Temp}}",

The following works:

  "dev_cla": "temperature",
  "unit_of_meas": "°F",
  "ic": "mdi:thermometer",
  "stat_t": "tiltbridge/tilt_Black",
  "name": "Tilt Temperature - Black",
  "val_tpl": "{{value_json.Temp}}",
  "uniq_id": "tiltbridge_tilt_black"
ddyeakley commented 3 years ago

Sensors DO show under Configuration | Entities. But they do not show up on the MQTT integration under Configuration | Integrations | MQTT with out the "uniq_id" being set.

thorrak commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, MQTT/HA isn't something that either @lbussy or I use, and as such this isn't something we can actively diagnose/repair.

Is the solution you are recommending adding a "uniq_id": "tiltbridge_tilt_black" key to each message being pushed for both the temp and gravity config topics?

@pletch - If you're around, this sounds like it would be a 1 (well, 2) line tweak that I'm happy to make - any reason you can think of that this would screw something up in HA?

pletch commented 3 years ago

I don't actually use MQTT discovery but I can test this after I hack together another tiltbridge. I think we implemented the config payload to match the sensor with multiple values example in the Home Assistant docs (here). However, the first paragraph on the docs page does imply that a uniq_id should be present despite the absence in the example. I can test and ensure there are no unwanted effects from adding this to the config payload for both the temperature and gravity sensors.

TaplistIOTeam commented 3 years ago

I was cruising through open issues and found this. I use HA/MQTT - do y'all still need help debugging or verifying?

pletch commented 3 years ago

If you have a tiltbridge on hand and can test MQTT discovery, that would be great. It may be a little while before i can get to it.

TaplistIOTeam commented 3 years ago

No prob! Yep, I've got all of the above. Will give it a shot tonight.

lbussy commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, MQTT/HA isn't something that either @lbussy or I use

Except I do ... what I don't do is keep an eye on issues. 😛

I have HA anyway, I'll see if I can poke at it unless MIke beats me to it.

thorrak commented 2 years ago

You didn't back in April. ;)

thorrak commented 2 years ago

@ddyeakley / @TaplistIOTeam - Not sure if one of you guys can test (or has tested?) this, but I'm releasing a 1.0.3 beta here later that will include this change.