thorsilver / SpaceDog

Chess engine based on VICE, written in C.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 0 forks source link

UCI issues #16

Closed tpoppins closed 5 years ago

tpoppins commented 5 years ago

1) In UCI mode SpaceDog incorrectly reports its version via the "id name" string as "1.0". All releases since v0.97.1 are affected.

2) In UCI mode when SpaceDog plays Black the eval sign appears to be inverted, i.e it reports its score in centipawns without the minus sign when losing. E.g. it loses a piece and shows a "+3.xx" eval (as translated by the GUI). A sample game:

[Event "SpaceDog 0.97.6 64-bit 40/40"]
[Site "Dual X5670"]
[Date "2019.03.08"]
[Round "1"]
[White "King's Out 0.2.42 64-bit"]
[Black "SpaceDog 0.97.6 64-bit"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B13"]
[GameDuration "00:36:18"]
[GameEndTime "2019-03-08T23:17:13.298 Eastern Standard Time"]
[GameStartTime "2019-03-08T22:40:54.589 Eastern Standard Time"]
[Opening "Caro-Kann"]
[PlyCount "73"]
[TimeControl "40/1260"]
[Variation "Panov-Botvinnik, Czerniak Variation"]

1. e4 {book} c6 {book} 2. d4 {book} d5 {book} 3. exd5 {book} cxd5 {book}
4. c4 {book} Nf6 {book} 5. Nc3 {book} Nc6 {book} 6. Bg5 {book} Qa5 {book}
7. Bxf6 {+0.79/14 28s} exf6 {+0.22/12 37s} 8. cxd5 {+0.77/14 51s}
Bb4 {+0.11/13 37s} 9. Qd2 {+0.41/13 36s} Bxc3 {+0.03/13 37s}
10. bxc3 {+0.33/15 28s} Qxd5 {+0.04/13 37s} 11. O-O-O {+0.26/14 39s}
Be6 {-0.08/12 37s} 12. c4 {+0.34/14 32s} Qd6 {-0.18/12 37s}
13. d5 {+0.37/14 93s} O-O-O {-0.44/12 37s} 14. Qc3 {+0.35/13 96s}
Qc5 {-0.46/12 37s} 15. dxc6 {+1.69/13 21s} Rxd1+ {-2.77/12 37s}
16. Kxd1 {+1.59/14 50s} b5 {-0.33/11 37s} 17. Nf3 {+2.04/13 27s}
b4 {-0.16/11 37s} 18. Qe3 {+2.31/14 57s} Qa5 {0.00/12 37s}
19. Qb3 {+2.49/13 25s} Rd8+ {+1.05/12 37s} 20. Kc1 {+2.42/13 37s}
g5 {+0.79/12 37s} 21. h4 {+3.01/13 43s} g4 {0.00/13 37s} 22. Ne1 {+2.64/14 60s}
Qe5 {0.00/13 37s} 23. Bd3 {+2.93/14 54s} Kc7 {+0.50/12 37s}
24. Qxb4 {+3.40/13 49s} Rb8 {0.00/13 37s} 25. Qe7+ {+3.58/13 33s}
Kc8 {0.00/11 37s} 26. Qxa7 {+4.18/13 33s} f5 {0.00/11 37s}
27. Nc2 {+4.85/14 37s} Rb2 {+0.49/11 37s} 28. c5 {+7.82/14 30s}
Rb8 {+5.81/13 37s} 29. Qa5 {+11.00/14 30s} Rb2 {+10.80/13 37s}
30. Ba6+ {+13.62/14 27s} Kb8 {+12.45/12 37s} 31. Rd1 {+20.40/14 25s}
Rxc2+ {+299.80/12 37s} 32. Kxc2 {+M14/14 14s} Bb3+ {+299.86/12 37s}
33. Kxb3 {+M10/10 0.45s} Qe6+ {+299.92/13 37s} 34. Ka3 {+M8/4 0.30s}
Qxc6 {+299.92/12 37s} 35. Rb1+ {+M6/4 0.31s} Ka7 {+299.96/12 37s}
36. Bf1+ {+M4/7 0.33s} Qa6 {+299.98/13 37s} 37. Qxa6# {+M2/5 0.31s, White mates}

Besides looking daft this makes adjudication by GUI impossible.

thorsilver commented 5 years ago

This should be fixed now. Version numbering is updated and just tested in UCI mode and winning positions for Black show negative evals.