Hat Amazon evtl etwas beim anmelden verändert?
Ich bekomme immer und immer wieder Captcha-Abfrage beim anmelden mit Chrome ohne Java. Sitze jetzt schon eine Woche und gebe haufenweise Captcha-abfragen ein und warte ohne das Script aktiv zulassen . Leider meldet sich das Script nicht mehr bei Amazon an.
Bekomme immer wieder folgende Fehlermeldung Amazon Login was unsuccessful. Possibly you
get a captcha login screen.
Try logging in to https://alexa.amazon.de with your browser. In your browser
make sure to have all Amazon related cookies deleted and Javascript disabled!
(For more information have a look at /tmp/.alexa.login)
To avoid issues with captcha, try using Multi-Factor Authentication.
To do so, first set up Two-Step Verification on your Amazon account, then
configure this script (or the environment) with your MFA secret.
Support for Multi-Factor Authentication requires 'oathtool' to be installed.
MFA habe ich nicht aktiv.
/tmp/.alexa.login wird nicht erstellt bzw. nicht auffindbar
Has Amazon possibly changed something when you log in?
I get captcha query again and again when logging in with Chrome without Java. Sit a week now and give tons of captcha queries and wait without the script to allow active. Unfortunately, the script no longer logs on to Amazon.
Always get the following error message Amazon Login was unsuccessful. Possibly you
get a captcha login screen.
Try logging in to https://alexa.amazon.com with your browser. In your browser
make sure you have all Related links deleted and Javascript disabled!
(For more information have a look at /tmp/.alexa.login)
To avoid issues with captcha, try using Multi-Factor Authentication.
To do so, first set up Two-Step Verification on your Amazon account, then
configure this script (or the environment) with your MFA secret.
Support for Multi-Factor Authentication requires 'oathtool' to be installed.
I do not have MFA active.
/tmp/.alexa.login is not created or can not be found
Hat Amazon evtl etwas beim anmelden verändert? Ich bekomme immer und immer wieder Captcha-Abfrage beim anmelden mit Chrome ohne Java. Sitze jetzt schon eine Woche und gebe haufenweise Captcha-abfragen ein und warte ohne das Script aktiv zulassen . Leider meldet sich das Script nicht mehr bei Amazon an. Bekomme immer wieder folgende Fehlermeldung Amazon Login was unsuccessful. Possibly you get a captcha login screen. Try logging in to https://alexa.amazon.de with your browser. In your browser make sure to have all Amazon related cookies deleted and Javascript disabled!
(For more information have a look at /tmp/.alexa.login)
To avoid issues with captcha, try using Multi-Factor Authentication. To do so, first set up Two-Step Verification on your Amazon account, then configure this script (or the environment) with your MFA secret. Support for Multi-Factor Authentication requires 'oathtool' to be installed.
MFA habe ich nicht aktiv.
/tmp/.alexa.login wird nicht erstellt bzw. nicht auffindbar
Has Amazon possibly changed something when you log in? I get captcha query again and again when logging in with Chrome without Java. Sit a week now and give tons of captcha queries and wait without the script to allow active. Unfortunately, the script no longer logs on to Amazon. Always get the following error message Amazon Login was unsuccessful. Possibly you get a captcha login screen. Try logging in to https://alexa.amazon.com with your browser. In your browser make sure you have all Related links deleted and Javascript disabled!
(For more information have a look at /tmp/.alexa.login)
To avoid issues with captcha, try using Multi-Factor Authentication. To do so, first set up Two-Step Verification on your Amazon account, then configure this script (or the environment) with your MFA secret. Support for Multi-Factor Authentication requires 'oathtool' to be installed.
I do not have MFA active. /tmp/.alexa.login is not created or can not be found