thorswap / SwapKit

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AssetValue for Arb.usdc returns 18 decimal number. #886

Closed Rotwang9000 closed 3 weeks ago

Rotwang9000 commented 3 weeks ago

Current behavior

        asset: "ARB.USDC-0xaf88d065e77c8cC2239327C5EDb3A432268e5831",
        value: bigInt(1),
        fromBaseDecimal: 6

address: "0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831"; bigIntValue: 1000000000000n; chain: "ARB"; chainId: "42161"; decimal: 18; decimalMultiplier: 1000000000000000000n; isGasAsset: false; isSynthetic: false; symbol: "USDC-0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831"; tax: undefined; ticker: "USDC"; type: "ARBITRUM";

Expected behavior

ARB.USDC-0xaf88d065e77c8cC2239327C5EDb3A432268e5831 has 6 decimals, it should have decimals and decimal multiplier as 6 and also bigIntValue where 1000000 is 1.




├── @swapkit/plugin-chainflip@1.0.1 ├── @swapkit/sdk@1.0.1 ├── @swapkit/tokens@1.0.1 ├── @swapkit/toolbox-radix@1.0.1 ├── @swapkit/toolbox-substrate@1.0.1

chillios-dev commented 3 weeks ago

@Rotwang9000 it's probably not really clear without docs but you should be able to get proper decimals via 2 ways.

  1. Installing @swapkit/tokens and calling AssetValue.loadStaticAssets() - this will give you possibility to get synchronously proper assets with proper decimals.
  2. Add asyncTokenLookup: true to from() params. This will change call to be async - so value then needs to be awaited.
Rotwang9000 commented 3 weeks ago

I have the proper decimals in my code and have worked around it - As Swapkit itself is using AssetValue.from though it meant altering the route.sellAmount to be 1000000000000 time smaller or changing the memo

chillios-dev commented 3 weeks ago

@Rotwang9000 fair point, will be included in docs but basically what happened is that it defaulted to chain decimals. To get it directly from contract you can use either static way or async via params - closing for now as docs are on the way

Rotwang9000 commented 3 weeks ago

Well don't say I didn't tell you when someone attempts to swap 1USDC and swaps 1000000000000 instead! :)

chillios-dev commented 3 weeks ago

@Rotwang9000 I'm preparing something to warn developers that "default decimal" was placed there and it should be used with proper params. Thanks for pointing it as issue 🙏

Rotwang9000 commented 1 day ago

@towanTG replying here as it formats code better:

Paraphrased my code to demostrate

const amount = 1;

const swapKitQuoteParams = {
    sellAsset: "ARB.USDC-0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831",
    buyAsset: "ARB.ETH",
    sellAmount: parseFloat(amount),
    sourceAddress: "0xDC5e0658Fd59000e656B00244418774233d84326",
    destinationAddress: "0xDC5e0658Fd59000e656B00244418774233d84326",
    affiliateFee: 9,
    affiliate: "be",
    slippage: 3,

const swapKitResponse = await SwapKitApi.getSwapQuoteV2(swapKitQuoteParams); //Doesn't actually work right now but let's pretend.

const route = swapKitResponse.routes[0];

// {
//  "quoteId": "a9c3c367-6e8a-4f47-be40-d1505bc9c865",
//      "routes": [
//          {
//              "providers": [
//                  "MAYACHAIN"
//              ],
//              "sellAsset": "ARB.USDC-0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831",
//              "sellAmount": "1",
//              "buyAsset": "ARB.ETH",
//              "expectedBuyAmount": "0.00029566",
//              "expectedBuyAmountMaxSlippage": "0.0002867902",
//              "sourceAddress": "0xDC5e0658Fd59000e656B00244418774233d84326",
//              "destinationAddress": "0xDC5e0658Fd59000e656B00244418774233d84326",
//              "targetAddress": "0x700E97ef07219440487840Dc472E7120A7FF11F4",
//              "expiration": "1722104424",
//              "memo": "=:ARB.ETH:0xDC5e0658Fd59000e656B00244418774233d84326:28679:be:9",
//              "estimatedTime": {
//                  "inbound": 1,
//                  "swap": 6,
//                  "outbound": 1,
//                  "total": 8
//              },
//              "totalSlippageBps": 194,
//              "legs": [
//                  {
//                      "provider": "MAYACHAIN",
//                      "sellAsset": "ARB.USDC-0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831",
//                      "sellAmount": "1",
//                      "buyAsset": "ARB.ETH",
//                      "buyAmount": "0.00029566",
//                      "buyAmountMaxSlippage": "0.0002867902",
//                      "fees": [
//                          {
//                              "type": "liquidity",
//                              "amount": "0.00000001",
//                              "asset": "ARB.ETH",
//                              "chain": "MAYA",
//                              "protocol": "MAYACHAIN"
//                          },
//                          {
//                              "type": "outbound",
//                              "amount": "0.00000569",
//                              "asset": "ARB.ETH",
//                              "chain": "MAYA",
//                              "protocol": "MAYACHAIN"
//                          },
//                          {
//                              "type": "affiliate",
//                              "amount": "0.00000027",
//                              "asset": "ARB.ETH",
//                              "chain": "MAYA",
//                              "protocol": "MAYACHAIN"
//                          },
//                          {
//                              "type": "inbound",
//                              "amount": "0.00000099398",
//                              "asset": "ARB.ETH",
//                              "chain": "ARB",
//                              "protocol": "MAYACHAIN"
//                          }
//                      ]
//                  }
//              ],
//              "warnings": [],
//              "meta": {
//                  "priceImpact": -1.94,
//                  "assets": [
//                      {
//                          "name": "ARB.USDC-0XAF88D065E77C8CC2239327C5EDB3A432268E5831",
//                          "price": 0.9929378013843257,
//                          "image": ""
//                      },
//                      {
//                          "name": "ARB.ETH",
//                          "price": 3290.115821537957,
//                          "image": ""
//                      }
//                  ]
//              }
//          }
//      ]
// }

let route = swapKitResponse.routes[0];

let swapParams = {
    route: route,
    streamSwap: route.streamingSwap ? true : false,
    feeOption: FeeOption[feeOption] || FeeOption.Average,
    recipient: "0xDC5e0658Fd59000e656B00244418774233d84326",

if (route.providers[0] === "MAYACHAIN") swapParams.pluginName = "mayachain";

// Looks correct...
// {
//  chain: "ARB",
//      address: "0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831",
//          chainId: "42161",
//              ticker: "USDC",
//                  identifier: "ARB.USDC-0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831",
//                      decimals: 6,
//                          logoURI:
//  "",
//     },

const swapResponse = await skClient.swap(swapParams);

//Fails... it's trying to send too many...

//Error: execution reverted: "Failed To TransferFrom" (action="estimateGas", data="0x08c379a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000164661696c656420546f205472616e7366657246726f6d00000000000000000000", reason="Failed To TransferFrom", transaction={ "data": "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", "from": "0xDC5e0658Fd59000e656B00244418774233d84326", "to": "0x700E97ef07219440487840Dc472E7120A7FF11F4" }, invocation=null, revert={ "args": [ "Failed To TransferFrom" ], "name": "Error", "signature": "Error(string)" }, code=CALL_EXCEPTION, version=6.11.1)

// assset is from
// eg. Object
// {
//  "chain": "ARB",
//      "address": "0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831",
//          "chainId": "42161",
//              "ticker": "USDC",
//                  "identifier": "ARB.USDC-0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831",
//                      "decimals": 6,
//                          "logoURI": "",
//                              "provider": "MAYACHAIN"
// }

// decimal:6

//We use AssetValue.from as this looks to be where it gets the decimals from the chain and not the token during the swap

let assetValue = await AssetValue.from({
    asset: asset.identifier,
    //convert amount to bigint with decimals
    value: amountInBigInt(value, asset.decimals),
    fromBaseDecimal: asset.decimals,
    asyncTokenLookup: false,


//We compensate for it

route.sellAmount = parseFloat(route.sellAmount / 10 ** (assetValue.decimal - asset.decimals))
//It is now 1e-12

const swapParams = {
    route: route,
    streamSwap: route.streamingSwap ? true : false,
    feeOption: FeeOption[feeOption] || FeeOption.Average,
    recipient: "0xDC5e0658Fd59000e656B00244418774233d84326",

const newSwapResponse = await skClient.swap(swapParams);

//Sends 1 USDC