thoth-station / prescriptions

⚕️💊 Prescriptions to heal your applications and application dependencies 💊⚕️
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
17 stars 10 forks source link

Release of version 0.24.0 #38955

Closed khebhut[bot] closed 1 year ago

khebhut[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hey, @harshad16!

Creating requested release.

Closes: #38954

* 96526de241 Remove scorecards related prescriptions
* 31b616d2f6 Manual fixes
* fc7835c5d1 Restore last_cve_database_update format in metadata
* c0524bf460 Fix metadata in run.release_notes
* ffb0371070 Remove metadata in run.justification
* a611ecb4c6 ⚕️ GitHub URL for 'pyicu-binary' is not active anymore
* ad9693365b 💊 Security scans from has been successfully updated for thoth-station
* 28255c0ef5 ⚕️ GitHub URL for 'asciinema' is not active anymore
* 62ef2ac2ee 💊 Package 'gapic-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1' is hosted on GitHub
* 291a7b2f08 💊 Package 'sphinx-py3doc-enhanced-theme' is hosted on GitHub
* 62cb25f923 💊 Package 'stups-cli-support' is hosted on GitHub
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* 2a0601fdc0 💊 Package 'types-typed-ast' is hosted on GitHub
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* 0cdc94361e 💊 Package 'azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute' is hosted on GitHub
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* a4186d16a2 💊 Project 'flake8-per-file-ignores' has less than 3 maintainers on PyPI
* e4182c45cb 💊 Project 'flake8-plugin-utils' has less than 3 maintainers on PyPI
* 51c954b2a3 💊 Project 'flake8-pytest-style' has less than 3 maintainers on PyPI
* fc89e19fac 💊 Project 'flake8-rst-docstrings' has less than 3 maintainers on PyPI
* b973bcef7e 💊 Project 'flake8-string-format' has less than 3 maintainers on PyPI
* a846b2dbc9 💊 Project 'flake8-super-call' has less than 3 maintainers on PyPI
* 127be19e96 💊 Project 'flake8-tidy-imports' has less than 3 maintainers on PyPI
* 4275351fe0 💊 Project 'flake8-type-annotations' has less than 3 maintainers on PyPI

The changelog body was truncated, please check for the complete changelog.

Environment details Kebechet version: 1.11.2 Python version: 3.8.13 Platform: Linux-4.18.0-305.34.2.el8_4.x86_64-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5 pipenv version: pipenv, version 2020.11.15
sesheta commented 1 year ago


Approval requirements bypassed by manually added approval.

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sesheta commented 1 year ago

Hi @khebhut[bot]. Thanks for your PR.

I'm waiting for a thoth-station member to verify that this patch is reasonable to test. If it is, they should reply with /ok-to-test on its own line. Until that is done, I will not automatically test new commits in this PR, but the usual testing commands by org members will still work. Regular contributors should join the org to skip this step.

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I understand the commands that are listed here.

Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available [here]( If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the [kubernetes/test-infra]( repository.
sesheta commented 1 year ago

New changes are detected. LGTM label has been removed.