thotro / arduino-dw1000

A library that offers functionality to use Decawave's DW1000 chips/modules with Arduino.
Apache License 2.0
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Static Anchor Addresses #185

Closed christos-h closed 7 years ago

christos-h commented 7 years ago

I am implementing 2D positioning using the TWR implemented in the DW1000Ranging_ANCHOR/DW1000Ranging_TAG. Does anyone know how to set static addresses for the Anchors because everytime I turn them on and off again their short address seems to change.

prideofisland commented 7 years ago

Hi @christoshadjiaslanis , You are right. Anchors change their addresses. Check in DW1000Ranging.cpp

_currentShortAddress[0] = random(0, 256);
_currentShortAddress[1] = random(0, 256);
christos-h commented 7 years ago

@prideofisland thanks for the response. I implemented static addresses for anyone interested:

First change DW1000Ranging.h

    static void    startAsAnchor(char address[], const byte mode[], const byte);

Then change DW1000Ranging.cpp

void DW1000RangingClass::startAsAnchor(char address[], const byte mode[], const byte anchorAddress) {
    //save the address
    DW1000.convertToByte(address, _currentAddress);
    //write the address on the DW1000 chip
    Serial.print("device address: ");
    //we need to define a random short address:
    _currentShortAddress[0] = anchorAddress;
    _currentShortAddress[1] = 0;

    //we configur the network for mac filtering
    //(device Address, network ID, frequency)
    DW1000Ranging.configureNetwork(_currentShortAddress[0]*256+_currentShortAddress[1], 0xDECA, mode);

    //general start:

    //defined type as anchor
    _type = ANCHOR;

    Serial.println("### ANCHOR ###");


Then in the DW1000Ranging_Anchor.ino:

 DW1000Ranging.startAsAnchor("82:17:5B:D5:A9:9A:E2:9C", DW1000.MODE_LONGDATA_RANGE_ACCURACY, anchorID);
Rotzbua commented 7 years ago

@christoshadjiaslanis please make a pull request thanks

duplicate #79