thought-driven / bummr

Update your gems in separate commits. Identify any that fail your build.
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Bummr says no outdated gems to update even though the output shows there are outdated gems #67

Closed monfresh closed 3 years ago

monfresh commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure if this is due to some changes on the Bundler side, but lately, Bummr hasn't been able to detect updates, even with the --all option. Here is a run from just now in this repo:

Bummr 0.5.0
To run Bummr, you must:
- Be in the root path of a clean git branch off of master
- Have no commits or local changes
- Have a 'log' directory, where we can place logs
- Have your build configured to fail fast (recommended)
- Have locked any Gem version that you don't wish to update in your Gemfile
- It is recommended that you lock your versions of `ruby` and `rails` in your `Gemfile`

Your test command is: 'bundle exec rake'

Bummr will run with the following options:
--all: false

Run `bummr help update` for more information.

Are you ready to use Bummr? (y/n) y
Ready to run bummr.
Bummr update initiated 2021-04-09 22:28:06 -0400
Fetching gem metadata from
Resolving dependencies...............

Gem                    Current  Latest   Requested  Groups
addressable            2.5.2    2.7.0
ast                    2.4.1    2.4.2
benchmark-ips          2.8.2    2.8.4
capybara               3.34.0   3.35.3   >= 0       test
chunky_png             1.3.11   1.4.0
crack                  0.4.4    0.4.5
derailed_benchmarks    1.7.0    2.0.1
diff-lcs               1.3      1.4.4
docile                 1.3.2    1.3.5
faraday                0.17.3   1.3.0
ffi                    1.14.2   1.15.0
font-awesome-rails  >= 0       default
get_process_mem        0.2.5    0.2.7
google-api-client      0.52.0   0.53.0   ~> 0.9     default
googleauth             0.14.0   0.16.1
haml_lint              0.36.0   0.37.0   >= 0       test
heapy                  0.1.4    0.2.0
i18n                   1.8.9    1.8.10
json                   2.3.0    2.5.1
launchy                2.4.3    2.5.0
listen                 3.1.5    3.5.1
loofah                 2.9.0    2.9.1
memory_profiler        0.9.14   1.0.0
mini_histogram         0.1.3    0.3.1
mini_mime              1.0.3    1.1.0
nio4r                  2.5.4    2.5.7
nokogiri               1.11.2   1.11.3
nokogiri               1.11.2   1.11.3
psych                  3.2.1    3.3.1
public_suffix          3.1.1    4.0.6
puma                   5.1.1    5.2.2    >= 0       default
rack-mini-profiler     2.2.0    2.3.1    >= 0       development
rb-fsevent             0.10.3   0.10.4
reek                   6.0.2    6.0.3    >= 0       development
regexp_parser          1.8.2    2.1.1
rexml                  3.2.4    3.2.5
rspec-core             3.9.1    3.9.3
rspec-expectations     3.9.1    3.9.4
rspec-support          3.9.2    3.9.4
rubocop                1.6.1    1.12.1   >= 0       test
rubocop-ast            1.3.0    1.4.1
ruby-progressbar       1.10.1   1.11.0
ruby-statistics        2.1.2    2.1.3
ruby_parser            3.13.1   3.15.1
sawyer                 0.8.1    0.8.2
semantic_range         2.3.1    3.0.0
sexp_processor         4.12.1   4.15.2
signet                 0.14.0   0.15.0
sprockets-rails        3.2.1    3.2.2
unicode-display_width  1.7.0    2.0.0
webdrivers             4.4.1    4.6.0    >= 4.1.2   test
webmock                3.11.0   3.12.2   >= 0       test
yard                   0.9.25   0.9.26   >= 0       development
No outdated gems to update

Unless I'm misremembering, I'm pretty sure that when a gem that was specified in the Gemfile was outdated, bummr used to be able to detect that. For example, I would expect it to upgrade google-api-client, which is specified like this in the Gemfile:

gem 'google-api-client', '~> 0.9'
monfresh commented 3 years ago

It looks like the output from bundle outdated has changed, and this regex is failing now.

monfresh commented 3 years ago

I think this fixes it:

def parse_gem_from(line)
  regex = /(.*)\s+(\d[\d\.]*\d)\s+(\d[\d\.]*\d)/.match line

  unless regex.nil?
    { name: regex[1].strip, newest: regex[3], installed: regex[2] }
lpender commented 3 years ago

This is an issue with Bundler 2.2 output, fixed in v0.6.0

gem install bummr

should update/fix.
