thoughtbot / appraisal

A Ruby library for testing your library against different versions of dependencies.
MIT License
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Appraisal doesn't support `eval_gemfile` #154

Open glebm opened 5 years ago

glebm commented 5 years ago

eval_gemfile is not supported by appraisal.


appraisal-2.2.0/lib/appraisal/gemfile.rb:30:in `run':
undefined method `eval_gemfile' for #<Appraisal::Gemfile:0x000055dfb5f5bb18> (NoMethodError)

eval_gemfile is useful for sharing dependencies between multiple Gemfiles.

E.g. I have a rubocop.gemfile that's included into the main Gemfile but also into a separate rubocop-only Gemfile for running as a separate task on CI.

glebm commented 5 years ago

Hacky workaround:

# Put this in Gemfile:
require 'appraisal/bundler_dsl'
::Appraisal::BundlerDSL.class_eval do
  def eval_gemfile(path, contents = nil)
    (@eval_gemfile ||= []) << [path, contents]


  def eval_gemfile_entry { |(p, c)| "eval_gemfile(#{p.inspect}#{", #{c.inspect}" if c})" } * "\n\n"

  alias_method :eval_gemfile_entry_for_dup, :eval_gemfile_entry

  self::PARTS << 'eval_gemfile'
end unless ::Appraisal::BundlerDSL::PARTS[-1] == 'eval_gemfile'

Proper support for eval_gemfile should also convert absolute paths back to File.expand_path(..., __dir__) calls in the output.

Decided against using Appraisal in this case though, as there doesn't seem to be any option for configuring the gemfiles directory path.

nickcharlton commented 4 years ago

Decided against using Appraisal in this case though, as there doesn't seem to be any option for configuring the gemfiles directory path.

Would you be able to open an issue for this bit specifically?

andreaswachowski commented 3 months ago

Just FYI, this is still valid. I stumbled upon it with neovim and Shopify/ruby-lsp in a project that uses appraisal (I don't have control over that and cannot remove appraisal). ruby-lsp injects itself with a .ruby-lsp/Gemfile that looks like this:

# This custom gemfile is automatically generated by the Ruby LSP.
# It should be automatically git ignored, but in any case: do not commit it to your repository.

eval_gemfile(File.expand_path("../Gemfile", __dir__))
gem "ruby-lsp", require: false, group: :development
gem "ruby-lsp-rails", require: false, group: :development

In particular, thus there's eval_gemfile, see in .

The Ruby language server consequently crashes ("Client ruby_ls quit with exit code 127 and signal 0). ~/.local/state/nvim/lsp.log contains

Ruby LSP Rails failed to initialize server: /path/to/rails/project/ ruby-lsp/Gemfile:4:in run': undefined methodeval_gemfile' for #<Appraisal::Gemfile:0x000000011ea6df28 @sources=[], ...