thoughtbot / capybara-webkit

A Capybara driver for headless WebKit to test JavaScript web apps
MIT License
1.97k stars 428 forks source link

v1.5 is very slow #764

Closed larryh closed 9 years ago

larryh commented 9 years ago


I have been using capybara-webkit for years and love it. Thank you for all of the work you selflessly do on this and the other gems you provide for the Ruby and Rails communities.

I recently upgraded from v1.3.1 to 1.5.0. Times it takes to run cucumber tests: 1.3.1: one feature file: 16 secs entire suite: 13 mins

1.5.0: one feature file: 2.5 mins entire suite: 70 mins

When I run with :webkit_debug and v1.5.0 I can see that all of my assets are getting loaded for each and every test. This includes jquery, jquery-ui, js plugins, etc. In v1.3.1 they are loaded just once at the beginning of the run.

One of the bullet items from your release notes on v1.5 says: Disable web page and object memory cache

I believe this is the culprit. Is there any way to get the old behavior? Going from 13 minutes to about an hour and 13 minutes to run the entire suite is just unacceptable.

Thanks, Larry

mhoran commented 9 years ago

What version of Rails are you using? In my testing with Rails 4.1, this change did not cause any increase in test run time. The change was made because previously, requests would be incorrectly cached on navigation. This may happen if you try to load the same page after logging in, e.g. by navigating to root_path. Unless a query string was passed, Rails would incorrectly return a not modified status, causing capybara-webkit to load the wrong content.

larryh commented 9 years ago


Thanks for the reply. I'm using Rails 4.1.8 on Ubuntu (doubt the latter makes a difference).

Do you have any suggestions on what I should do or how I can investigate this further? My cukes have always taken around 13 minutes to run for all of the previous versions of capybara-webkit. Needless to say, I just can't afford to run them if it takes about an hour and 13 minutes.

Also, the only difference is substituting one version of capybara-webkit for another in my Gemfile, i.e. I'm not changing other things as well.

Thanks, Larry

bonvanie commented 9 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue as well. With no change other than upgrading from 1.3.1 => 1.5.0 is causing a 5x increase in execution time.

mhoran commented 9 years ago

Would either of you be able to provide a standalone app to reproduce this issue? That will help greatly in debugging and hopefully provide some insight into what's going on.

larryh commented 9 years ago


Not for quite awhile. I just started my vacation which will last until the middle of next week, and then I will need to get caught up on everything I fell behind on while not working.

Also, to be honest, I wouldn't even know where to begin to separate out just a small portion of the code that's in place for my current tests. It seems like I would start out with some kind of "Hello World" app and just add some simple tests for that - which I don't think would shed any light on the subject.

I recognize that by saying that, that it puts the ball back in your court, which is totally unfair seeing as how you guys are providing this gem for free. Would giving you the output of running the tests with capybara-debug help?

jferris commented 9 years ago

@larryh if you could change the driver from :webkit to :webkit_debug and attach a log, that may be useful. Output from your test.log may also help.

larryh commented 9 years ago


Thanks for responding. I have attached 2 appropriately-named .log files (test.log output) and .txt files (webkit-debug output). Hopefully they will shed some light on this issue.

Again, thanks for listening and caring.

-- Larry

P.S. I really appreciate the fact that you guys do this for free and on your own time. FWIW, the sample cuke is from a project I am working on for free and on my own time, which I hope will help others. ( )

On 04/30/2015 09:43 AM, Joe Ferris wrote:

@larryh if you could change the driver from |:webkit| to |:webkit_debug| and attach a log, that may be useful. Output from your |test.log| may also help.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

/home/larry/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/bin/ruby -EUTF-8 -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) /home/larry/RubyMine/StupidTuesday/script/cucumber /home/larry/RubyMine/StupidTuesday/features/scenarios/admin/pol/index.feature --format Teamcity::Cucumber::Formatter --expand --color -r features Testing started at 9:44 AM ... Finished "EnableLogging()" with response "Success()" Wrote response true "" Received "Visit(" Started "Visit(" Load started "Visit(" started page load Started request to "" Finished "Visit(" with response "Success()" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from ""|22|JQMIGRATE: Logging is active Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from ""|42|JQMIGRATE: jQuery.browser is deprecated Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Page finished with true Load finished Page load from command finished Wrote response true "" Received "FindXpath(.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Username' or ./@name = 'Username') or ./@placeholder = 'Username') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Username']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Username']//.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])" Started "FindXpath(.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Username' or ./@name = 'Username') or ./@placeholder = 'Username') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Username']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Username']//.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])" Finished "FindXpath(.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Username' or ./@name = 'Username') or ./@placeholder = 'Username') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Username']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Username']//.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])" with response "Success(1)" Wrote response true "1" Received "Node.tagName" Started "Node.tagName" Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)" Wrote response true "input" Received "Node.attribute" Started "Node.attribute" Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)" Wrote response true "false" Received "Node.set" Started "Node.set" Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()" Wrote response true "" Received "FindXpath(.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Password' or ./@name = 'Password') or ./@placeholder = 'Password') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Password']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Password']//.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])" Started "FindXpath(.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Password' or ./@name = 'Password') or ./@placeholder = 'Password') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Password']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Password']//.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])" Finished "FindXpath(.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Password' or ./@name = 'Password') or ./@placeholder = 'Password') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Password']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Password']//.//[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])" with response "Success(2)" Wrote response true "2" Received "Node.tagName" Started "Node.tagName" Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)" Wrote response true "input" Received "Node.attribute" Started "Node.attribute" Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)" Wrote response true "false" Received "Node.set" Started "Node.set" Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()" Wrote response true "" Received "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Login' or ./@value = 'Login') or ./@title = 'Login')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Login'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Login' or ./@value = 'Login') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Login') or ./@title = 'Login')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Login'])" Started "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Login' or ./@value = 'Login') or ./@title = 'Login')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Login'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Login' or ./@value = 'Login') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Login') or ./@title = 'Login')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Login'])" Finished "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Login' or ./@value = 'Login') or ./@title = 'Login')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Login'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Login' or ./@value = 'Login') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Login') or ./@title = 'Login')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Login'])" with response "Success(3)" Wrote response true "3" Received "Node.tagName" Started "Node.tagName" Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)" Wrote response true "input" Received "Node.attribute" Started "Node.attribute" Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)" Wrote response true "false" Received "Node.leftClick" Started "Node.leftClick" Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()" Wrote response true "" Load started Started request to "" Tags: @@javascript, @@pol Received "Visit(" "TimeoutCommand" waiting for load to finish Started request to "" Received 302 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from ""|22|JQMIGRATE: Logging is active Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from ""|42|JQMIGRATE: jQuery.browser is deprecated Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Page finished with true Load finished Started "Visit(" Load started "Visit(" started page load Started request to "" Finished "Visit(" with response "Success()" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from ""|22|JQMIGRATE: Logging is active Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from ""|42|JQMIGRATE: jQuery.browser is deprecated|42|JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.attr('selected') may use property instead of attribute Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Received 200 from "" Page finished with true Load finished Page load from command finished Wrote response true "" Received "FindCss(#pols_tab)" Started "FindCss(#pols_tab)" Finished "FindCss(#pols_tab)" with response "Success(1)" Wrote response true "1" Received "Node.findXpathWithin" Started "Node.findXpathWithin" Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(2)" Wrote response true "2" Received "Node.tagName" Started "Node.tagName" Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(select)" Wrote response true "select" Received "Node.attribute" Started "Node.attribute" Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)" Wrote response true "false" Received "Node.findXpathWithin" Started "Node.findXpathWithin" Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(3)" Wrote response true "3" Received "Node.selectOption" Started "Node.selectOption" Started request to "" Finished "Node.selectOption" with response "Success()" Wrote response true ""

Received "FindCss(table.pols)" Started "FindCss(table.pols)" Finished "FindCss(table.pols)" with response "Success()" Wrote response true "" Received "FindCss(table.pols)" Started "FindCss(table.pols)" Finished "FindCss(table.pols)" with response "Success()" Wrote response true "" Received 200 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received "FindCss(table.pols)" Started "FindCss(table.pols)" Finished "FindCss(table.pols)" with response "Success(4)" Wrote response true "4" Received "Node.findCssWithin" Started "Node.findCssWithin" Finished "Node.findCssWithin" with response "Success(5,6,7,8)" Wrote response true "5,6,7,8" Received "Node.text" Started "Node.text" Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(District)" Wrote response true "District" Received "Node.text" Started "Node.text" Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(Name)" Wrote response true "Name" Received "Node.text" Started "Node.text" Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(Party)" Wrote response true "Party" Received "Node.visible" Started "Node.visible" Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)" Wrote response true "true" Received "Node.text" Started "Node.text" Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(

)" Wrote response true "

" Received "FindCss(table.pols)" Started "FindCss(table.pols)" Finished "FindCss(table.pols)" with response "Success(9)" Wrote response true "9" Received "Node.findCssWithin" Started "Node.findCssWithin" Finished "Node.findCssWithin" with response "Success(10)" Wrote response true "10" Received "Node.visible" Started "Node.visible" Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)" Wrote response true "true" Received "FindCss(table.pols)" Started "FindCss(table.pols)" Finished "FindCss(table.pols)" with response "Success(11)" Wrote response true "11" Received 200 from "" Received "Node.findCssWithin" Started "Node.findCssWithin" Finished "Node.findCssWithin" with response "Success(12)" Wrote response true "12" Received "FindCss(table.pols)" Started "FindCss(table.pols)" Finished "FindCss(table.pols)" with response "Success(13)" Wrote response true "13" Received "Node.findCssWithin" Started "Node.findCssWithin" Finished "Node.findCssWithin" with response "Success(14)" Wrote response true "14" Received "Node.visible" Started "Node.visible" Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)" Wrote response true "true" Received "FindCss(table.pols)" Started "FindCss(table.pols)" Finished "FindCss(table.pols)" with response "Success(15)" Wrote response true "15" Received "Node.findCssWithin" Started "Node.findCssWithin" Finished "Node.findCssWithin" with response "Success(16)" Wrote response true "16" Received "Reset()" Started "Reset()" Finished "Reset()" with response "Success()" Wrote response true "" Received "FindXpath(/html/body/)" Started "FindXpath(/html/body/)" Finished "FindXpath(/html/body/*)" with response "Success()" Wrote response true "" Tags: @@javascript, @@pol

Given the following pols exist: # features/step_definitions/pol_steps.rb:1

When I go to the Pols page # features/step_definitions/page/navigation_steps.rb:3

And I select "Louisiana" from the "State" listbox in the "pols" tab # features/step_definitions/multiple/interaction_steps.rb:1

Then the "Party" column should be "" in the "all-pols" table # features/step_definitions/table/content_steps.rb:18 Received "Visit(" Started "Visit(" Load started "Visit(" started page load Started request to "" Finished "Visit(" with response "Success()" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 200 from "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Started request to "" Received 304 from ""|22|JQMIGRATE: Logging is active Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Started request to "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "" Received 304 from "

larryh commented 9 years ago


Thanks for responding. I just sent you an email with 2 appropriately-named .log files (test.log output) and .txt files (webkit-debug output). Hopefully they will shed some light on this issue.

Just wanted to mention that here so if the email didn't make it through you can ask me to re-send.

Thanks again, Larry

jferris commented 9 years ago

This may be addressed by #775.

@larryh - if you're interested, could you try out installing the jf-improve-cache-behavior branch?

larryh commented 9 years ago

Hi Joe,

Wow, what an improvement! Using your branch dropped the time from 70 minutes down to 17. (It was originally around 15 minutes.)

I have a few scenarios that were tagged with '@selenium' instead of '@javascript' and that caused some problems, but other than that your fix worked like a charm.

Thank you! You guys are great!

jferris commented 9 years ago

Glad to hear it! I'm to close this, assuming the caching issue resolved the regression. This will be pushed out with the next release.

larryh commented 9 years ago


I just upgraded capybara-webkit to 1.5.1 and the tests still take over an hour. So I guess the fix did not make it into that release?

Which is fine - just wanted to check and make sure.

Thanks, Larry

On 05/08/2015 09:09 AM, Joe Ferris wrote:

Glad to hear it! I'm to close this, assuming the caching issue resolved the regression. This will be pushed out with the next release.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

mhoran commented 9 years ago

Correct; we're still working out a few kinks with the fix, but should have that released shortly. The branch is still your best bet for now.

larryh commented 9 years ago

Ok, thanks. And no hurry. I just really appreciate what you are doing.

larryh commented 9 years ago

For those of you who are concerned about this issue: I just upgraded to 1.6.0 and the fix is in, so to speak.

Thanks a lot, Thoughtbot!