Open mrthankyou opened 3 years ago
Using Paperclip 6.1.0.
Whenever I save a model record that has a set image to it, the default_url is hit with a URL request. This is problematic if a developer who is locally testing data doesn't have access to the internet.
## model used class Image < ActiveRecord::Base PAPERCLIP_CONFIG = { storage: :s3, s3_protocol: :https, bucket: 'xxx', region: 'us-east-1', s3_region: 'us-east-1', s3_credentials: { access_key_id: 'xxx', secret_access_key: 'xxx' }, path: ':class/:id/:basename.:extension' } has_attached_file :image_asset, PAPERCLIP_CONFIG.merge( { styles: { small: ["152x198"], large: ["500x700#"], larger: ["616x732"], }, path: ":class/:id/:style/:basename.:extension" }) end ## code image_path = Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'images', 'Default.jpg') image_file = image = image_file)!
If I'm creating a new image with a pre-determined asset, I shouldn't expect my default_url to be hit with a HTTP request.
Using Paperclip 6.1.0.
Whenever I save a model record that has a set image to it, the default_url is hit with a URL request. This is problematic if a developer who is locally testing data doesn't have access to the internet.
What I Expect To Happen
If I'm creating a new image with a pre-determined asset, I shouldn't expect my default_url to be hit with a HTTP request.