thoughtbot / parity

Shell commands for development, staging, and production parity for Heroku apps
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Don't delete local temp backup after restore #179

Closed croaky closed 4 years ago

croaky commented 4 years ago

My current database takes about 10 minutes to fetch from Heroku. If the pg_restore fails for any reason, I don't want to re-fetch the dump.

curl -o will already overwrite tmp/latest.backup when it begins and tmp is ignored in Git by default in Rails apps.

It might be nice if Parity had a command to "restore from local backup" but in the meantime, this worked well for me:

set -euo pipefail


dropdb --if-exists "$db"
createdb "$db"
time pg_restore tmp/latest.backup --verbose --no-acl --no-owner --dbname "$db"
psql "$db" -c "UPDATE ar_internal_metadata SET value = 'development' WHERE key = 'environment'"
croaky commented 4 years ago

That's a good point about helping users of the gem clean up.

I think I'm personally going to switch from Parity to individual shell scripts that live in the repo and have no arguments, as documented below in case any of these ideas are useful for the maintainers for future PRs.

Create backup of production follower:


Restore staging from production backup. The script puts staging in maintenance mode and post-processes some data via heroku pg:psql:


Create backup of staging:


Download staging backup:


Restore development from downloaded backup:


Optionally, clean up:

rm tmp/latest.backup
geoffharcourt commented 4 years ago

I haven't been able to use Heroku PG for almost a year now, so I've still found Parity very useful for general app management, but the PG cases have gotten quite complicated.