thoughtbot / testing-rails

Source code for the Testing Rails book
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Pull in dependencies for release script #25

Closed JoelQ closed 9 years ago

JoelQ commented 9 years ago

We cannot assume the following dependencies of the release script to be installed already:

vbump is a utility for intelligently bumping version numbers. The release script assumed that the vbump project would be cloned onto the author's machine as a sibling of the book repo.

Instead, I copied the script as bin/vbump to distribute it with the other utilities of the book repo. Unfortunately, the script required versions of sort and sed that were not installed by default on OSX.

They can be downloaded on OSX via the homebrew coreutils package as gsort and gsed. I modified the script to use these and to attempt to install coreutils via homebrew if they are not detected on the system.

This will likely break on Linux machines unless they have a gsort command that points to the correct version of GNU sort