thoughtpolice / buck2-nix

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Can we use a newer shell? #16

Open thoughtpolice opened 1 year ago

thoughtpolice commented 1 year ago

The rules written from scratch here don't have to use bash, and alternative shells such as nushell are a possibility. The questions are:

Currently, I have used Oil as a replacement for Bash in this repository, with the hope that we would be able to use the Oil language. But inevitably some other platform compatibility may occur for some subset of the rules, and having a single shell language would be great. There's no reason to tie ourselves to something trying to be compatible and besides, the C++ implementation of Oil is a ways off yet.

Powershell is also another possibility, actually. But I think those are the two (or three) main possible contenders.

saolof commented 11 months ago

An opinion from a random person checking out the repository:

IMO it depends on what the scripts you write do. Posix compliant shell isn't that bad of an option as long as the script is reasonably simple (just creating pipes between programs and setting environment variables) and has lots of implementations of varying quality (dash, bash, zsh, ysh, yash, etc etc).

Posix has it's downsides though. I personally really like elvish (clojure inspired shell) but while it has potential I would not consider it mature enough for production usage. Imho, if you specifically want a non-posix shell for scripting, nu does look like the most solid alternative:

Another option may be to use a non-shell programming language with good scripting support, if the task is a script does not have to be in a shell per se.

thoughtpolice commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the input, I hope this codebase has taught you something or been interesting to read. The key points about nushell's viability wrt its active development/low bus-factor are also really good.

So, as an update, as an alternative to direct genrule()s, for a (currently unreleased) fork of this prelude, after some searching — I've been using in order to actually write real "scripts" that aren't in a shell language and that are run for various tasks. This has been pretty good for small scale stuff in my experience. For example, here is a target determinator (that assumes jujutsu as the underlying VCS) in order to compute the changed buck2 targets between two revisions:

austin@GANON$ buck2 -v0 run tools//babashka:bin -- ./ --from @-
Build ID: fef5ec60-57d7-42c5-bca3-d250baa8746b
Network: Up: 0B  Down: 0B
Jobs completed: 3. Time elapsed: 0.0s.
Performing target determination, from base to given:
 ├─  base: work/td-ia0v909evbeyf ⇜  @-
 └─ given: work/td-ia0v909evbeyt ⇜  @

Performing target hash comparison between workspaces...
Differences DETECTED:
   ├── DELETED: 0
   ├─┬ MODIFIED: 8
   │ ├─⇝  tilde//aseipp/libedsign:lib
   │ ├─⇝  tilde//aseipp/libedsign:test-roundtrip.exe
   │ ├─⇝  tilde//aseipp/libedsign:test-roundtrip
   │ ├─⇝  tilde//aseipp/libedsign:test-fingerprint.exe
   │ ├─⇝  tilde//aseipp/libedsign:test-fingerprint
   │ ├─⇝  tilde//aseipp/libedsign:test-rekey
   │ ├─⇝  tilde//aseipp/libedsign:test-rekey.exe
   │ └─⇝  root//:libedsign
   └── ADDED: 0

Removing workspace 'td-ia0v909evbeyf'
 ├─ `jj abandon qpwllkqopmormrssspvmkvqovypxvtrq`
 └─ Deleting workspace tree work/td-ia0v909evbeyf
Removing workspace 'td-ia0v909evbeyt'
 ├─ `jj abandon tonwttnkttuksztzvsktyyxzrrpmnrps`
 └─ Deleting workspace tree work/td-ia0v909evbeyt

There were some technical considerations that drove the use of Babashka, most importantly:

I felt Babashka (or something like it) was a better choice than say, Python IMO, for a few reasons, whereas it is the tool of choice in the upstream buck2-prelude (hard to statically link, imports are a bit of a mess, the stdlib is fairly complete but has some misses and including 3rd party stuff sucks). You might notice that, except for the last point, the same points for Babashka hold for nushell too — Windows is a major target, self contained, statically linked on Linux.

The main UX tradeoff I see here is the question: do you want to write the script inside the BUILD file, or in a separate source file? I feel like the first case is where the brevity of a "shell language" like nushell would really shine through, while in the second case you probably want something like Babashaka (or Elvish, or whatever your favorite choice of Lisp is.)

So, after working more with all this a bit, my basic opinion is probably (as you might expect) now forming and molding into something like: