thoughtpolice / buck2-nix

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What's the intended way to use this repo? #19

Closed Fuuzetsu closed 1 year ago

Fuuzetsu commented 1 year ago

So, this repo sets up buck + watchman + makes the rules prelude available. But it also just clones the whole repo wholesale, including examples, setup/update scripts etc.

So far I've ran the setup script and then I've been adding my own project stuff on top to src, some tools in tools and so on. But I probably don't want/need this whole repo and its history so I've been thinking that I should start to selectively delete the stuff that doesn't seem necessary for me. At the same time, once I want to update the rules or buck exprs, I need to update the relevant contents...

What's the expected workflow? Should there be some separation between buck/prelude that users pull in and the rest of the repo? Should it be a submodule somehow maybe? I'm not sure.

thoughtpolice commented 1 year ago

Honestly, the answer is basically "Whatever works best for you", because I really can't say. Please see #17 for some extra context. In short:

As per the penultimate point I'm not going to force submodules on people, but if you can find some way to make that work for you, and pin this and occasionally update it, I'm OK with it as long as it doesn't incur something on me, really.

As noted in #17, I would eventually like to use a tool like Josh, Mononoke, or Eden to help separate these things. Josh is the most viable today since Mononoke and Eden are MIA and their capabilities are unknown in comparison.

Here's an approach I would happily endorse:

This would be a very useful experiment in exploring Josh's viability and power, it's something I've been meaning to do for a while, since it can solve lots of sticky issues like this.

I also encourage you to submit PRs if you're getting value out of this repo and aren't shy about the work, I guess; I don't mind having extra things under src and if anything it would be good to have another set of eyes on the written rules. Please consider this repository a continued experiment, however; I'll be tinkering with it for a while I suspect, but I also have lots of other things to research and think about.

Fuuzetsu commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the reply. I think #17 covers it, I should have looked harder. I'll close this one.