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Computer science questions!! #25

Open srfoster opened 6 years ago

srfoster commented 6 years ago

I'm collecting a list of computer science questions that I'll try to organize into a presentation.

Anything goes, but here are some examples:

jlaxamana1298 commented 6 years ago

If I wanted to start learning and experimenting with machine learning and machine learning algorithms, where is the best place to start?

gracebmanning commented 6 years ago

What are ways to practice and improve my programming skills when I'm not doing this internship? (Online lessons, personal projects, etc?) What specific things would you recommend?

Jordanf2018 commented 6 years ago

How is computer science used in careers? What is functional programming? What exactly makes computer science a science and not a practice or art? How would computer science impact the development of machinery, vehicles, and robotics? Is there a ONE language every single CS student should know? What are the differences in the languages? What makes CS an enticing minor/major?(Or why did you choose CS?)

ctran037 commented 6 years ago

How should I take the experiences I learned through this internship and apply them future job interviews?

JuliaB1 commented 6 years ago

How does networking and other back-end, server-type stuff work?

(I realize this is a pretty vague and open-ended question, so to kinda narrow my question a bit: I thought the QR-logging in system that ThoughtSTEM has implemented for the camps was pretty cool, and I was curious about how that worked)

ntrllog commented 6 years ago

What are the advantages and disadvantages of functional programming over non-functional programming? (What is the term for non-functional programming?)

Soulst commented 6 years ago

For a CS student or anyone seeking a career in CS/programming, what kinds of projects or portfolio really interests employers? Any tips?

I am often told that I should be working on projects of my own to gather a portfolio. However, I worry that employers won't care about some silly little game I make. Should I stick to whatever interests me purely? Or strive to impress THAT particular company with something more relevant.

simon0302 commented 6 years ago
  1. What computer science knowledge would I need if I want to specialize in controls?
  2. With regard to the long run, should I minor or double major in computer science?
  3. What is functional programming?
  4. How do I start learning more about machine learning?
  5. If society is so concerned with the possibility of a singularity where AI will be able to overtake humans, why are computer scientists still pursuing AI?
  6. Should I take classes on UI?
  7. How do I guarantee job security with CS because I am worried I will get replaced by a student fresh out of college by the time I am 35+?
taco-coder commented 6 years ago

Obviously, at the moment there is a huge demand for computer scientists and programmers. In addition to that though, there is an increasing number of people studying computer science. How do you think the current demand of the industry will evolve in the next 15 or so years? Will there still be a high demand or will CompSci become like mechanical engineering where the industry becomes saturated and demand dies down?

chijj commented 6 years ago

Would it be a good decision to switch to Computer Science even though I am struggling with this project?

hollyphan commented 6 years ago
Nicolewaas33 commented 6 years ago

Is there a source / reference guide for computer science language ? ( Dictionary of sorts )

Similar to another question : How would you input this internship onto a resume , what would the internship be called and would be listed as skills learned / worked on / position?

what are the outcome goals of this program for the interns ( possibly to genral ) ?

taco-coder commented 6 years ago

In the job market, you're competing against a thousand other coders who know the same languages and information as you. What nontechnical skill/trait(s) do you believe give someone the edge over the competition?

ntrllog commented 6 years ago

Do you think functional programming will ever be used in industry and, if so, how would that happen?

katsteve commented 6 years ago

What sorts of minors would best compliment a major in computer science? Besides the traditional career of a programmer, where else would a major in computer science take you?

mollycompton commented 6 years ago

Is it better to learn multiple programming languages at once or one at a time? What do you do if the languages you know aren't popular anymore? How do you decide which languages to learn? Should everyone learn about cybersecurity or is that just a special topic?

hyphy22 commented 6 years ago

What direction in computer languages/API's/databases should I take in order to prepare myself to become a pen(penetration) tester? What will help me stand out amongst other computer science majors looking for jobs as well?

Meleleyva commented 6 years ago

How can you inspire yourself to become more creative and to keep that going?

javacafe01 commented 6 years ago

How much of a language should you know before pursuing a career for it?

katsteve commented 6 years ago

How was ThoughtSTEM funded? What is the origin story of ThoughtSTEM?

ntrllog commented 6 years ago

Is getting a CS degree with the intention of becoming a web developer a waste of a degree? (Since web development seems to be mostly a self-taught subject)

With the vast amount of (free) resources available for learning different areas of CS, would it be a waste of time, money, and money - or just not as worth it - to go for a CS degree? (Disregarding the degree requirement for some jobs as that can be (arguably) overlooked if someone has a ton of experience/skills)

mollycompton commented 6 years ago

What is an example of an program that makes sense to be written in racket? What is an example of a program you should not write in racket?

taco-coder commented 6 years ago

Will CodeSpells ever be added to the ThoughtSTEM curriculum? It's a cool idea and I think it'd be interesting for those more serious about game development (older than the Minecraft modders) .

ntrllog commented 6 years ago

With the curriculum for the coding camps, what do you want the students to walk away with? Or maybe not walk away with? What were the challenges of coming up with the curriculum?

From Soulst: "For a CS student or anyone seeking a career in CS/programming, what kinds of projects or portfolio really interests employers? Any tips?

I am often told that I should be working on projects of my own to gather a portfolio. However, I worry that employers won't care about some silly little game I make. Should I stick to whatever interests me purely? Or strive to impress THAT particular company with something more relevant."