thousandeyes / thousandeyes-sdk-go

Thousandeyes golang API wrapper
Apache License 2.0
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May have to rethink the way we grouped tests #49

Open johntdyer opened 4 years ago

johntdyer commented 4 years ago

So today I was working on Labels and it turns out Labels can have Tests in its struct. Thats great however I am not sure how do that that since we have no top level Test type in the app... All tests actually should be part of this struct but I am not sure my Go is strong enough to know how to do that effectivly, since the tests struct would have to allow for a list of varying types ( ftp_server, dns_server, ect ect... ).. Do you have any strong opinions here ?

Also are you on Webex Teams or Discord by any chance ? or maybe we can setup Gitter for this repo to discuss?

william20111 commented 4 years ago

Gitter seems like a good idea, had never heard of it but looks easy to drop in and out of for coversation.

My first thought here would be a Test interface with Create, Update, Delete on it? Can update current tests to support that when we refactor the layout?

william20111 commented 4 years ago

Updated with gitter group on readme