thouska / spotpy

A Statistical Parameter Optimization Tool
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Why a numpy array objectivefunction value is not compared when calling self.status in _algorithm/ module #319

Open OuyangWenyu opened 4 months ago

OuyangWenyu commented 4 months ago

When I use a new loss function which return a numpy array, I found was ignored in this part:

def __call__(self, objectivefunction, params, block_print=False): self.rep += 1 if type(objectivefunction) == type([]): # TODO: change to iterable[0], params) elif type(objectivefunction) == type(np.array([])): pass else:, params)

Then in the console the following words will be printed:

"1 of 100, minimal objective function=1e+308, time remaining: 02:01:04"

So I am wondering why numpy array is not allowed?

I am looking forward your reply. Thanks!