thp / urlwatch

Watch (parts of) webpages and get notified when something changes via e-mail, on your phone or via other means. Highly configurable.
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urlwatch moans when supplying --config #814

Closed neofright closed 2 months ago

neofright commented 2 months ago
# /usr/bin/urlwatch --config /path/to/urls.yaml

    You need to create /root/.config/urlwatch/urls.yaml in order to use urlwatch.
    Use "urlwatch --edit" to open the file with your editor.

I don't think this warning should be displayed when you specify --config as it would imply that the user is aware they are using a non-default configuration file? In my case I am specifically avoiding using the default config file and it seems odd that it throws this warning/error to me.

I've solved it by just doing echo "" > /root/.config/urlwatch/urls.yaml but it seems unneccessary.

neofright commented 2 months ago


I had misunderstood the --config switch and mistakenly believed it was the equivalent of --urls.

I was trying to do /usr/bin/urlwatch --urls=/path/to/urls.yaml (which works correctly) and urlwatch was rightly complaining that there was no config file (a different file to urls.yaml)

Closing as nothing needs to be done.