thpatch / thcrap

Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher
The Unlicense
558 stars 41 forks source link

Request my repos to repos\id #136

Closed PartyParrotTH closed 3 years ago

PartyParrotTH commented 3 years ago

[ { "detect": { "exist": "thcrap.dll", "dont_exist": [ "config", "logs" ] }, "delete": [ "act_nut_lib.dll", "bmpfont_create_gdi.dll", "bmpfont_create_gdiplus.dll", "COPYING", "jansson.dll", "libpng16.dll", "msvcp120.dll", "msvcr120.dll", "", "scripts\", "scripts\", "scripts\", "scripts\pycache\utils.cpython-34.pyc", "scripts\pycache\utils.cpython-35.pyc", "scripts\pycache\utils.cpython-36.pyc", "scripts\pycache", "scripts", "steam_api.dll", "thcrap.dll", "thcrap_i18n.dll", "thcrap_tasofro.dll", "thcrap_tsa.dll", "thcrap_update.dll", "UNLICENSE.txt", "version-resolve-installed.dat", "win32_utf8.dll", "win32_utf8_dynamic_x86.dll", "zlib1.dll", "zlib-ng.dll", "zlibwapi.dll" ], "move": { "32th": "repos/", "Bravi": "repos/", "Clover-Music": "repos/", "Daikarasu": "repos/", "dass7": "repos/", "DTM": "repos/", "gamer251": "repos/", "Gensokyo.EXE": "repos/", "ghildrean": "repos/", "GhostPhanom": "repos/", "MasterGameFTW3561": "repos/", "MoriyaFaith": "repos/", "nazeo": "repos/", "nmlgc": "repos/", "Nutzer": "repos/", "PKWeegee": "repos/", "PartyParrot": "repos/", "pgj1997": "repos/", "PookChang'e": "repos/", "Priw8": "repos/", "rosenrose": "repos/", "SMB3Memes": "repos/", "Splashman": "repos/", "Tear": "repos/", "thpatch": "repos/", "Toaster": "repos/", "UnKnwn": "repos/", "VasteelXolotl": "repos/", "WindowDump": "repos/", "wobuffet3": "repos/", "games.js": "config/", "config.js": "config/", ".js": "config/", "thcrap_log.txt": "logs/", "thcrap_log.1.txt": "logs/" }, "update_repo_paths": { "cfg_files": "config/.js", "old_path": "/", "new_path": "repos/" } }, { "detect": { "exist": [ "config", "logs", "repos", "version-resolve-installed.dat" ] }, "delete": [ "act_nut_lib.dll", "bmpfont_create_gdi.dll", "bmpfont_create_gdiplus.dll", "COPYING", "jansson.dll", "libpng16.dll", "msvcp120.dll", "msvcr120.dll", "", "scripts\", "scripts\", "scripts\", "scripts\pycache\utils.cpython-34.pyc", "scripts\pycache\utils.cpython-35.pyc", "scripts\pycache\utils.cpython-36.pyc", "scripts\pycache", "scripts", "steam_api.dll", "thcrap.dll", "thcrap_i18n.dll", "thcrap_tasofro.dll", "thcrap_tsa.dll", "thcrap_update.dll", "UNLICENSE.txt", "version-resolve-installed.dat", "win32_utf8.dll", "win32_utf8_dynamic_x86.dll", "zlib1.dll", "zlib-ng.dll", "zlibwapi.dll",

    "fix_repo_paths_post_restructuring": {
        "cfg_files": "config/*.js",
        "broken_prefix": "repos/"


brliron commented 3 years ago

Err... I think I understand the title, but I don't understand the Pull Request comment and it's content.

PartyParrotTH commented 3 years ago

Ok,sorry haha😅 should I close this Pull Request now?

DankRank commented 3 years ago

@PartyParrotTH update.json is used for updating old versions of thcrap, so it only contains repos that existed before October 2019. I don't think it's needed for newer repos.

By the way, the reason why this pull request has all those commits is because you've made it go thpatch:Update_UI ← thpatch:master, but instead it should be thpatch:master ← PartyParrotTH:master. I'll close it so that it stops adding more commits.