thpatch / thcrap

Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher
The Unlicense
547 stars 40 forks source link

th19: Unable to launch the game #231

Closed xitieshiz2 closed 10 months ago

xitieshiz2 commented 10 months ago

As the title, the game won't be launch after the loader finish loading, the loader window just disappears. Sometime, the window to select resolution would appear, but won't launch the game anyway. The game can launch without thcrap, everything performances well, and thcrap also works well with other ShanghaiAlice games. I've tested this for lang_en and lang_zh-hans (with all of there dependencies), and the issue happens in both condition. LOG FILE:

Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher logfile
Branch: stable
Version: 2023-08-17
Current time: Aug 27 2023 15:27:15
Build time: Aug 17 2023 21:36:37
Built by: brliron
Command line: "D:\Touhou\th19\th19.exe"

System Information:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700KF CPU @ 3.80GHz
RAM: 4.29GiB free out of 15.9GiB, 73% used
OS/Runtime: Windows 11, Build 22621
Code pages: ANSI=936, OEM=936

Generic PnP Monitor on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060: 1920x1080@32 60Hz

EXE file name: D:\Touhou\th19\th19.exe
(JSON) Resolving versions.js... 
 + D:/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/versions.js
  + D:/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/versions.js
Hashing executable... → th19 v1.00a (original) (codepage 0)
(JSON) Resolving configuration for th19.js... 
 + D:/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/global.js
 + D:/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/th19.js
 + D:/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/th19.v1.00a.js
  + D:/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/global.js
Game directory: D:\Touhou\th19\
Plug-in directory: D:\thcrap\bin\

Initializing plug-ins...
(JSON) Resolving th19/dictdefs.js... 
 + D:/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/th19/dictdefs.js
(JSON) Resolving th19/dicttrans.js... 
   + D:/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_en/th19/dicttrans.js
(JSON) Resolving stringdefs.js... 
 + D:/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/stringdefs.js
   + D:/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_en/stringdefs.js
(JSON) Resolving th19/stringlocs.js... 
 + D:/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/th19/stringlocs.v1.00a.js
[Plugin] act_nut_lib.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] bmpfont_create_gdi.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] bmpfont_create_gdiplus.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] jansson.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] libcrypto-1_1.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] libcurl.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] libpng16.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] libssl-1_1.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ShellExtensions.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] steam_api.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] System.Buffers.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] System.Memory.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] System.Numerics.Vectors.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] System.Text.Json.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] System.ValueTuple.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] thcrap.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] thcrap_i18n.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] thcrap_tasofro.dll: not used for this game
[Plugin] thcrap_tsa.dll: initialized and active
(JSON) Resolving th19/abilities.js... 
   + D:/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_en/th19/abilities.js
(JSON) Resolving th19/trophy.js... 
   + D:/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_en/th19/trophy.js
(JSON) Resolving th19/titlemsg.js... 
   + D:/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_en/th19/titlemsg.js
(JSON) Resolving th19/missions.js... not found
(JSON) Resolving th19/loops.js... not found
(JSON) Resolving themes.js... 
 + D:/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/themes.js
   + D:/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_en/themes.js
(JSON) Resolving th19/musiccmt.js... 
   + D:/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_en/th19/musiccmt.js
(JSON) Resolving th19/spells.js... 
   + D:/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_en/th19/spells.js
(JSON) Resolving th19/spellcomments.js... not found
[Plugin] thcrap_update.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] win32_utf8.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.Themes.Aero.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.Themes.Metro.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.Themes.VS2010.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.dll: not a plugin
[Plugin] zlib-ng.dll: not a plugin
Applying thcrap detours to D:\Touhou\th19\th19.exe...
Detouring DLL functions (winmm.dll)...
( 1/ 1) joyGetPosEx... OK
Detouring DLL functions (kernel32.dll)...
( 1/43) CreateProcessA... not found
( 2/43) CopyFileA... not found
( 3/43) CreateFileMappingA... not found
( 4/43) SetFilePointer... OK
( 5/43) MultiByteToWideChar... OK
( 6/43) CopyFileExA... not found
( 7/43) GetPrivateProfileIntA... not found
( 8/43) CreateDirectoryA... not found
( 9/43) CreateFileA... not found
(10/43) DeleteFileA... not found
(11/43) FindFirstFileA... not found
(12/43) FindNextFileA... not found
(13/43) FormatMessageA... OK
(14/43) WideCharToMultiByte... OK
(15/43) GetCurrentDirectoryA... not found
(16/43) CreateRemoteThread... not found
(17/43) GetFileAttributesA... not found
(18/43) GetEnvironmentVariableA... not found
(19/43) GetFileAttributesExA... not found
(20/43) GetTempPathA... not found
(21/43) GetFullPathNameA... not found
(22/43) GetCommandLineA... OK
(23/43) GetModuleFileNameA... not found
(24/43) GetModuleHandleExA... not found
(25/43) GetPrivateProfileStringA... not found
(26/43) CreateProcessW... not found
(27/43) GetStartupInfoA... not found
(28/43) SetEnvironmentVariableA... not found
(29/43) GetTempFileNameA... not found
(30/43) MoveFileA... not found
(31/43) IsDBCSLeadByte... not found
(32/43) LoadLibraryA... not found
(33/43) MoveFileExA... not found
(34/43) MoveFileWithProgressA... not found
(35/43) OpenFileMappingA... not found
(36/43) ReadFile... OK
(37/43) RemoveDirectoryA... not found
(38/43) SetCurrentDirectoryA... not found
(39/43) WriteFile... OK
(40/43) WritePrivateProfileStringA... not found
(41/43) ExitProcess... OK
(42/43) LoadLibraryW... not found
(43/43) CloseHandle... OK
Detouring DLL functions (user32.dll)...
( 1/25) CallWindowProcA... not found
( 2/25) CharLowerA... not found
( 3/25) DefWindowProcA... not found
( 4/25) InsertMenuItemA... not found
( 5/25) CreateWindowExA... not found
( 6/25) CharNextA... not found
( 7/25) CreateDialogParamA... not found
( 8/25) DialogBoxParamA... not found
( 9/25) DrawTextA... not found
(10/25) GetClassInfoA... not found
(11/25) GetClassInfoExA... not found
(12/25) GetWindowLongA... not found
(13/25) SetWindowLongA... not found
(14/25) GetWindowLongPtrA... not found
(15/25) LoadStringA... not found
(16/25) RegisterClassExA... not found
(17/25) MessageBoxA... not found
(18/25) RegisterClassA... not found
(19/25) SetDlgItemTextA... not found
(20/25) SetMenuItemInfoA... not found
(21/25) SetWindowLongPtrA... not found
(22/25) SetWindowTextA... not found
(23/25) TabbedTextOutA... not found
(24/25) UnregisterClassA... not found
(25/25) GetWindowRect... OK
Detouring DLL functions (gdi32.dll)...
( 1/20) AddFontResourceExA... not found
( 2/20) EnumFontFamiliesExA... not found
( 3/20) CreateFontA... not found
( 4/20) CreateFontIndirectA... not found
( 5/20) GetGlyphOutlineA... not found
( 6/20) CreateFontIndirectExA... not found
( 7/20) EnumFontsA... not found
( 8/20) ExtTextOutA... not found
( 9/20) EnumFontFamiliesA... not found
(10/20) GetTextExtentPoint32A... not found
(11/20) RemoveFontResourceExA... not found
(12/20) TextOutA... not found
(13/20) CreateFontIndirectW... not found
(14/20) CreateFontW... OK
(15/20) CreateFontIndirectExW... not found
(16/20) CreateCompatibleDC... OK
(17/20) DeleteDC... OK
(18/20) DeleteObject... OK
(19/20) SelectObject... OK
(20/20) TextOutW... OK
Detouring DLL functions (dinput8.dll)...
( 1/ 1) DirectInput8Create... OK
Detouring DLL functions (dsound.dll)...
( 1/ 3) DirectSoundEnumerateA... not found
( 2/ 3) DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA... not found
( 3/ 3) DirectSoundCreate8... OK
Detouring DLL functions (d3d9.dll)...
( 1/ 1) Direct3DCreate9... OK
Initialization stage 0...
Setting up binary hacks...
( 1/ 1) steamstub_crack (Crack SteamStub by disabling its integrity check)...
at 0x00C01413... not enough source bytes, skipping...No valid binary hacks to render.
Failed. Jumping to last stage...
Applying codecaves...
Recording codecave: "codecave:th19_log2_mod11" at 0x04A00000
Recording codecave: "codecave:th19_net_status_deref" at 0x05B20000
Recording codecave: "codecave:th19_file_load" at 0x05B20010
Setting up binary hacks...
( 1/12) sprintf_rep (Safe sprintf (replace))...
at 0x00A8FCC3... OK
at 0x00A8FCD4... OK
at 0x00A8F944... OK
at 0x00A8FA00... OK
at 0x00A8FA11... OK
at 0x00A8FAE4... OK
at 0x00A8FB90... OK
at 0x00A8FBA1... OK
( 2/12) spell_align (Correctly align right-aligned text (TH16+))...
at 0x00A8FAEA... OK
( 3/12) sprintf_th19_l...
at 0x00A8FC12... OK
( 4/12) sprintf_th19_r...
at 0x00A8FA82... OK
( 5/12) sprintf_th19_c...
at 0x00A8F8E2... OK
( 6/12) center_align...
at 0x00A8F94A... OK
( 7/12) trophy_ingame_lineflip_1...
at 0x00B148C7... OK
at 0x00B148E0... OK
( 8/12) trophy_ingame_lineflip_2...
at 0x00B14909... OK
at 0x00B14918... OK
( 9/12) textbox_width_1...
at 0x00ACE550... OK
(10/12) textbox_width_2...
at 0x00ACE8D4... OK
(11/12) net_status_deref_call...
at 0x00B19D35... OK
(12/12) net_status_replace_func...
at 0x00B16C50... OK
Rendering binary hacks... (source cave at 0x05B30000)
at 0x00A8FCC3... OK
at 0x00A8FCD4... OK
at 0x00A8F944... OK
at 0x00A8FA00... OK
at 0x00A8FA11... OK
at 0x00A8FAE4... OK
at 0x00A8FB90... OK
at 0x00A8FBA1... OK
at 0x00A8FAEA... OK
at 0x00A8FC12... OK
at 0x00A8FA82... OK
at 0x00A8F8E2... OK
at 0x00A8F94A... OK
at 0x00B148C7... OK
at 0x00B148E0... OK
at 0x00B14909... OK
at 0x00B14918... OK
at 0x00ACE550... OK
at 0x00ACE8D4... OK
at 0x00B19D35... OK
at 0x00B16C50... OK
Exception C0000374 at 0x774DCB7F (RxECB7F) (\ntdll.dll)

A heap has been corrupted.  

EIP: 0x774DCB7F EFLAGS: 0x00000246
EAX: 0x0053FC68 ECX: 0x0053FC98 EDX: 0x7751A918 EBX: 0x00000000
ESP: 0x0053FC40 EBP: 0x0053FC78 ESI: 0x00000002 EDI: 0x008A5588

Stack trace:
[12] 0x7746005F (Rx7005F) (\ntdll.dll)
[11] 0x7745C777 (Rx6C777) (\ntdll.dll)
[10] 0x774687B6 (Rx787B6) (\ntdll.dll)
[09] 0x774DCB51 (RxECB51) (\ntdll.dll)
[08] 0x774E5DB3 (RxF5DB3) (\ntdll.dll)
[07] 0x774EC72B (RxFC72B) (\ntdll.dll)
[06] 0x7747FFC7 (Rx8FFC7) (\ntdll.dll)
[05] 0x7743EBF6 (Rx4EBF6) (\ntdll.dll)
[04] 0x764121EB (Rx321EB) (\ucrtbase.dll)
[03] 0x764121B8 (Rx321B8) (\ucrtbase.dll)
[02] 0x557BC1D3 (RxC1D3) (\thcrap.dll)
[01] 0x557D482A (Rx2482A) (\thcrap.dll)
32th-System commented 10 months ago

Go to:

xitieshiz2 commented 10 months ago

That really fixed the issue OMG