thqby / AutoHotkey_H

AutoHotkey - macro-creation and automation-oriented scripting utility for Windows.
GNU General Public License v2.0
93 stars 9 forks source link

[BUG] v2.1-alpha.4 #68

Closed Frozen1084 closed 1 year ago

Frozen1084 commented 1 year ago

1,#UseStdLib 相关

Error: This function declaration conflicts with an existing global.

Text:   gdi_init
Line:   1
File:   D:\AutoHotkey\Lib\gdi.ahk

The program will exit.

我把函数修改为 gdi_init2 仍旧报错。添加"#Include <gdi>"不再报错。

2, ahk2_lib Socket.ahk

Error: This variable has not been assigned a value.

Specifically: parameter socktype

    ---- D:\AutoHotkey\Lib\Socket.ahk
    185: {
    186: (ptr != -1) && (DllCall('ws2_32\closesocket', 'ptr', ptr), this.Ptr := -1)
▶   187: If -1 == (ptr := DllCall('ws2_32\socket', 'int', last_family :=, 'int', socktype, 'int', protocol, 'ptr'))
    188: Continue
    189: }


Frozen1084 commented 1 year ago

2 在 v2.0.7 仍旧报错。