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Chrome still prompts one to select the chrome profile even after providing full path #62

Closed sousvideonlow closed 3 weeks ago

sousvideonlow commented 3 weeks ago

so I examined this line

Run(CliEscape(ChromePath) ' --remote-debugging-port=' this.DebugPort ' --remote-allow-origins=*' (ProfilePath ? ' --user-data-dir=' CliEscape(ProfilePath) : '') (Flags ? ' ' Flags : '') URLString, , , &PID)

and personally had problems when providing the full profile path.

However, if I ran in windows Run the following, it works correctly "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --remote-debugging-port=9222 --remote-allow-origins=* --profile-directory="Profile 2"

hence I think the ' --user-data-dir=' could be replaced with '--profile-directory='

and the user has to specific the Default, Profile 1, or Profile 2 as the 4th param

thqby commented 3 weeks ago

This issue cannot be reproduced in edge.

sousvideonlow commented 3 weeks ago

Yes but try in chrome

thqby commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe Google Browsers broke the compatibility. You can pass additional command-line parameters in the flags parameter.

sousvideonlow commented 3 weeks ago

cool will do that thanks