thqby / vscode-autohotkey2-lsp

Autohotkey v2 Language Support using vscode-lsp.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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2.2.2 Parsing Include Files #416

Closed wilkster closed 10 months ago

wilkster commented 11 months ago

Not sure if this is unique to me, but with 2.2.2 (just installed), the references to functions in #include files are no longer found and are flagged with errors. The #include files themselves are still found as there is no error under the file name.

I reverted to 2.2.1/2.2.0 and the errors go away.

thqby commented 11 months ago

Re-implementation of parsing reference relationships, there may be bugs.

It is best to provide short examples that reproduce the issue.

wilkster commented 11 months ago

I found the issue. I had two lib files that referenced each other (via #include statements), and did this for a prior version to not show undefined variable references. I removed one of the #includes and it cleared the issue up. Is it now the case that you no longer walk the #include path to determine references, but just use all of the files in the current folder tree to build the references?

wilkster commented 11 months ago

One other datapoint, it appears I had AutoLibInclude enabled for local. I put it back to disabled (default). Given you made some parsing changes with this update I recommend closing this issue. If it crops up again I will try to reproduce on a small set of files,

wilkster commented 11 months ago

I think I can re-create the issue now (using 2.2.3). Create a main file with the following (main.ahk2)

#Requires AutoHotkey >=2.0
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib
#Include MyLib.ahk2
#Include MyOtherLib.ahk2

LogMessage(A_ScriptName ": Loading Autohotkey Version " A_AhkVersion)
OtherLog(A_ScriptName ": Loading Autohotkey Version " A_AhkVersion)

And in a subfolder called lib add MyLib.ahk2

#Requires AutoHotkey >=2.0
#include MyOtherLib.ahk2

LogMessage(txt) {

As well as a file called MyOtherLib.ahk2

#Requires AutoHotkey >=2.0
#Include MyLib.ahk2

OtherLog(txt) {

Notice how the two lib files reference each other (I know, not good practice...), the two log calls in the main file then get the Variable never assigned a value. If you comment out one of the #includes in either of the lib files (then toggle commenting on the main file #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib statement to force a scan, the issue clears up.

aseiot commented 11 months ago

I have a similar issue in paring include files, espacially the lib is in form of #Include <lib_path>. And my lib files are located in "directory-of-the-currently-running-AutoHotkey.exe\Lib\"

6Tom commented 11 months ago

This issue is easy to reproduce. Save the following three scripts and open "3. ahk" to see the effect.

; This file is "1.ahk"
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#Include "2.ahk"

; This file is "2.ahk"
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#Include "1.ahk"

; This file is "3.ahk"
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#Include "1.ahk"

This_Is_1()  ; VSCode will mark this line as an error. But this is actually completely correct.
This_Is_2()  ; VSCode will mark this line as an error. But this is actually completely correct.
thqby commented 11 months ago

@aseiot The above issues are caused by circular references. Is yours too?

RaptorX commented 11 months ago

@aseiot The above issues are caused by circular references. Is yours too?

I get the same issues as described. I only use <lib> references from the local lib folder.

I don't use circular references (that might even trigger AHK to complain i think, so might be a valid error).

In my case forcing the lexer to re-parse libs fixes the issue temporarily. It shows up again from time to time when I open the script.

aseiot commented 11 months ago

@aseiot The above issues are caused by circular references. Is yours too?

No, my issue still exist after the update

aseiot commented 11 months ago

I found it related with 'libdirs' does not contain the "directory-of-the-currently-running-AutoHotkey.exe\Lib". It only contains the A_ScriptDir "\Lib\" image

thqby commented 11 months ago

_this.libdirs contains %A_ScriptDir%/Lib, %A_MyDocuments%/Lib, %A_AhkPath%/../Lib

Your common_1.libdirs is empty?

aseiot commented 10 months ago

You mean _this.libdirs? It contains %A_ScriptDir%/Lib only

thqby commented 10 months ago check common_1.libdirs and common_1.a_vars, they are imported from common.ts.

aseiot commented 10 months ago

I notice the samefolder is true thus bypass the initial of libdirs. And if I change the ahkpath_cur = '' to anything other than blank eg. ahkpath_cur = ' ' fix this issue.