three-types / three-ts-types

TS type library for the popular webgl library threejs
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Create a single three-types.d.ts file. #859

Closed porterporter closed 6 months ago

porterporter commented 6 months ago


I am trying to embed all of the three-ts-types src/ files into one (huge) .d.ts file. Do you know how I could edit the tsconfig.json file to bundle them all into one file?

I've tried using declaration with an outFile but when tsc succeeds it doesn't output a file.


Methuselah96 commented 6 months ago

I don't have any experience doing that. TypeScript does not provide a native way to do this, but presents some good ideas on how one might accomplish that with community-maintained tools, including API Extractor, rollup-plugin-dts, and tsup.

Best of luck, let me know if I can help with anything else.