threeal / ros2_kinect2

Tools for using the Kinect V2 in ROS 2
MIT License
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No TF being published #14

Open migueelnery opened 2 years ago

migueelnery commented 2 years ago

Hi, nice job migrating kinect2 library to ros2! I am trying to integrate this package with a UR3 robot, but I'm facing some problems because I can't see any TF being published. Is this functionality already implemented? Thanks!!

threeal commented 1 year ago

I apologize for the delayed response.

Currently, the functionality to publish TF (transformations) is not implemented in this package. This package primarily interfaces with the libfreenect2 library, which does not provide the capability to calculate the transformation of the Kinect.

However, there are alternative packages that can be used to calculate the transform of the Kinect. One such package is RTAB-Map. I have personally used RTAB-Map in the past, where I fed it with RGB and depth images from the Kinect to obtain the robot transformation.

If you decide to use RTAB-Map, it can help you integrate the Kinect with your UR3 robot and calculate the necessary transformations.

If you need any further assistance or have more questions, please feel free to ask.