threeal / ros2_kinect2

Tools for using the Kinect V2 in ROS 2
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link

point clouds not working #16

Open AliceCryerWork opened 1 year ago

AliceCryerWork commented 1 year ago

Hi At the moment the Kinect2 only has these topics: /kinect2/camera_info /kinect2/depth/camera_info /kinect2/depth/image_raw /kinect2/image_raw

How do I get point clouds on this node?

threeal commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, point clouds are not supported by this package out of the box. However, we can add this feature to the package.

The Kinect2 package is built upon libfreenect2, which includes the Registration class for converting RGB and depth images to point clouds. We can utilize this class to process the point clouds and publish them to a specific topic.

If you're interested in implementing this feature, I'd be glad to assist you. Just let me know if you need any help.