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JSX builders #126

Closed despiegk closed 5 years ago

despiegk commented 5 years ago

instructions in are very wrong, DO NOT USE

we need to use language = DSL for specifiying how to sandbox/build/...

follow instructions do how to do builders

Current open issues:


use branch development_types

move docs to docs/builder

despiegk commented 5 years ago

check fix #109

ranatrk commented 5 years ago

Implement sandbox functions for CoreDns and OpenResty:

ahmadnazih commented 5 years ago

Traefik and Caddy builders are finished with the creation of their sandbox and flist

andrewayoub commented 5 years ago

A document about how to create a new builder and an example added here

andrewayoub commented 5 years ago

A pull request created here to track the progress

ahmadnazih commented 5 years ago

Humhub done - Startup toml file for nginx needs to be created

0xIslamTaha commented 5 years ago

caddy test status: passed j.builder.web.traefik.sandbox() passed j.builder.web.traefik.start() passed j.builder.web.traefik.stop() bug

I created its flist using the tar file and here are the steps to verify its container

node = j.clients.zos.get('ac1f6b4575a8', data={'host':'', 'password_':'*************'})
cont = node.client.container.create("")
client = node.client.container.client(24)
client.system('/sandbox/bin/caddy -h').get()


In [30]: cont_client.system("/sandbox/bin/traefik -h").get()
                                (default "0")
    --rancher.trace                               Display additional provider logs (if available).                                 (default "false")                               Watch provider                                                                   (default "true")
    --respondingtimeouts                          Timeouts for incoming requests to the Traefik instance                           (default "true")
    --respondingtimeouts.idletimeout              IdleTimeout is the maximum amount duration an idle (keep-alive) connection will  (default "3m0s")
                                                  remain idle before closing itself. Defaults to 180 seconds. If zero, no timeout  
                                                  is set                                                                           
    --respondingtimeouts.readtimeout              ReadTimeout is the maximum duration for reading the entire request, including    (default "0s")
                                                  the body. If zero, no timeout is set                                             
    --respondingtimeouts.writetimeout             WriteTimeout is the maximum duration before timing out writes of the response.   (default "0s")
                                                  If zero, no timeout is set                                                       
    --rest                                        Enable Rest backend with default settings                                        (default "true")
    --rest.entrypoint                             EntryPoint                                                                       (default "traefik")
    --retry                                       Enable retry sending request if network error                                    (default "true")
    --retry.attempts                              Number of attempts                                                               (default "0")
    --rootcas                                     Add cert file for self-signed certificate                                        
    --sendanonymoususage                          send periodically anonymous usage statistics                                     (default "false")
    --servicefabric                               Enable Service Fabric backend with default settings                              (default "false")
    --servicefabric.apiversion                    Service Fabric API version                                                       
    --servicefabric.appinsightsbatchsize          Number of trace lines per batch, optional                                        (default "0")
    --servicefabric.appinsightsclientname         The client name, Identifies the cloud instance                                   
    --servicefabric.appinsightsinterval           The interval for sending data to Application Insights, optional                  (default "0s")
    --servicefabric.appinsightskey                Application Insights Instrumentation Key                                         
    --servicefabric.clustermanagementurl          Service Fabric API endpoint                                                      
    --servicefabric.constraints                   Filter services by constraint, matching with Traefik tags.                       (default "[]")
    --servicefabric.debugloggeneratedtemplate     Enable debug logging of generated configuration template.                        (default "false")
    --servicefabric.filename                      Override default configuration template. For advanced users :)                   
    --servicefabric.refreshseconds                Polling interval (in seconds)                                                    (default "0s")
    --servicefabric.templateversion               Template version.                                                                (default "0")
    --servicefabric.tls                           Enable TLS support                                                               (default "false")                        TLS CA                                                                           
    --servicefabric.tls.caoptional                TLS CA.Optional                                                                  (default "false")
    --servicefabric.tls.cert                      TLS cert                                                                         
    --servicefabric.tls.insecureskipverify        TLS insecure skip verify                                                         (default "false")
    --servicefabric.tls.key                       TLS key                                                                          
    --servicefabric.trace                         Display additional provider logs (if available).                                 (default "false")                         Watch provider                                                                   (default "false")
    --tracing                                     OpenTracing configuration                                                        (default "false")
    --tracing.backend                             Selects the tracking backend ('jaeger','zipkin', 'datadog').                     (default "jaeger")
    --tracing.datadog                             Settings for DataDog                                                             (default "false")
    --tracing.datadog.debug                       Enable DataDog debug.                                                            (default "false")
    --tracing.datadog.globaltag                   Key:Value tag to be set on all the spans.                                        
    --tracing.datadog.localagenthostport          Set datadog-agent's host:port that the reporter will used. Defaults to           (default "localhost:8126")
    --tracing.jaeger                              Settings for jaeger                                                              (default "false")
    --tracing.jaeger.localagenthostport           set jaeger-agent's host:port that the reporter will used.                        (default "")
    --tracing.jaeger.samplingparam                set the sampling parameter.                                                      (default "1")
    --tracing.jaeger.samplingserverurl            set the sampling server url.                                                     (default "http://localhost:5778/sampling")
    --tracing.jaeger.samplingtype                 set the sampling type.                                                           (default "const")
    --tracing.servicename                         Set the name for this service                                                    (default "traefik")
    --tracing.spannamelimit                       Set the maximum character limit for Span names (default 0 = no limit)            (default "0")
    --tracing.zipkin                              Settings for zipkin                                                              (default "false")
    --tracing.zipkin.debug                        Enable Zipkin debug.                                                             (default "false")
    --tracing.zipkin.httpendpoint                 HTTP Endpoint to report traces to.                                               (default "http://localhost:9411/api/v1/spans")
    --tracing.zipkin.id128bit                     Use ZipKin 128 bit root span IDs.                                                (default "true")
    --tracing.zipkin.samespan                     Use ZipKin SameSpan RPC style traces.                                            (default "false")
    --traefiklog                                  Traefik log settings                                                             (default "false")
    --traefiklog.filepath                         Traefik log file path. Stdout is used when omitted or empty                      
    --traefiklog.format                           Traefik log format: json | common                                                (default "common")
    --traefiklogsfile                             (Deprecated) Traefik logs file. Stdout is used when omitted or empty             
    --web                                         (Deprecated) Enable Web backend with default settings                            (default "false")
    --web.address                                 (Deprecated) Web administration port                                             (default ":8080")
    --web.certfile                                (Deprecated) SSL certificate                                                     
    --web.keyfile                                 (Deprecated) SSL certificate                                                     
    --web.metrics                                 (Deprecated) Enable a metrics exporter                                           (default "false")
    --web.metrics.datadog                         DataDog metrics exporter type                                                    (default "false")
    --web.metrics.datadog.address                 DataDog's address                                                                (default "localhost:8125")
    --web.metrics.datadog.pushinterval            DataDog push interval                                                            (default "10s")
    --web.metrics.influxdb                        InfluxDB metrics exporter type                                                   (default "false")
    --web.metrics.influxdb.address                InfluxDB address                                                                 (default "localhost:8089")
    --web.metrics.influxdb.database               InfluxDB database used when protocol is http                                     
    --web.metrics.influxdb.protocol               InfluxDB address protocol (udp or http)                                          (default "udp")
    --web.metrics.influxdb.pushinterval           InfluxDB push interval                                                           (default "10s")
    --web.metrics.influxdb.retentionpolicy        InfluxDB retention policy used when protocol is http                             
    --web.metrics.prometheus                      Prometheus metrics exporter type                                                 (default "false")
    --web.metrics.prometheus.buckets              Buckets for latency metrics                                                      (default "[0.1 0.3 1.2 5]")
    --web.metrics.prometheus.entrypoint           EntryPoint                                                                       (default "traefik")
    --web.metrics.statsd                          StatsD metrics exporter type                                                     (default "false")
    --web.metrics.statsd.address                  StatsD address                                                                   (default "localhost:8125")
    --web.metrics.statsd.pushinterval             StatsD push interval                                                             (default "10s")
    --web.path                                    (Deprecated) Root path for dashboard and API                                     
    --web.readonly                                (Deprecated) Enable read only API                                                (default "false")
    --web.statistics                              (Deprecated) Enable more detailed statistics                                     (default "false")
    --web.statistics.recenterrors                 Number of recent errors logged                                                   (default "10")
    --zookeeper                                   Enable Zookeeper backend with default settings                                   (default "false")
    --zookeeper.constraints                       Filter services by constraint, matching with Traefik tags.                       (default "[]")
    --zookeeper.debugloggeneratedtemplate         Enable debug logging of generated configuration template.                        (default "false")
    --zookeeper.endpoint                          Comma separated server endpoints                                                 (default "")
    --zookeeper.filename                          Override default configuration template. For advanced users :)                   
    --zookeeper.password                          KV Password                                                                      
    --zookeeper.prefix                            Prefix used for KV store                                                         (default "traefik")
    --zookeeper.templateversion                   Template version.                                                                (default "0")
    --zookeeper.tls                               Enable TLS support                                                               (default "false")                            TLS CA                                                                           
    --zookeeper.tls.caoptional                    TLS CA.Optional                                                                  (default "false")
    --zookeeper.tls.cert                          TLS cert                                                                         
    --zookeeper.tls.insecureskipverify            TLS insecure skip verify                                                         (default "false")
    --zookeeper.tls.key                           TLS key                                                                          
    --zookeeper.trace                             Display additional provider logs (if available).                                 (default "false")
    --zookeeper.username                          KV Username                                                                                              Watch provider                                                                   (default "true")
-h, --help                                        Print Help (this message) and exit                                               


0xIslamTaha commented 5 years ago - pass j.builder.web.caddy.sandbox() - pass j.builder.web.caddy.start() - parsing error j.builder.web.caddy.stop() - bug

cont = node.client.container.create("")
cont_client = node.client.container.client(cont.get())
cont_client.system('/sandbox/bin/caddy -h').get()


In [21]: data

Usage of sandbox/bin/caddy:
        Agree to the CA's Subscriber Agreement
  -ca string
        URL to certificate authority's ACME server directory (default "")
        From Caddyfile stdin to JSON stdout
  -catimeout duration
        Default ACME CA HTTP timeout (default 30s)
  -conf string
        Caddyfile to load (default "Caddyfile")
  -cpu string
        CPU cap (default "100%")
  -default-sni string
        If a ClientHello ServerName is empty, use this ServerName to choose a TLS certificate
        Disable the ACME HTTP challenge
        Disable the ACME TLS-ALPN challenge
  -disabled-metrics string
        Comma-separated list of telemetry metrics to disable
  -email string
        Default ACME CA account email address
  -env string
        Path to file with environment variables to load in KEY=VALUE format
  -grace duration
        Maximum duration of graceful shutdown (default 5s)
  -host string
        Default host
  -http-port string
        Default port to use for HTTP (default "80")
        Use HTTP/2 (default true)
  -https-port string
        Default port to use for HTTPS (default "443")
        From JSON stdin to Caddyfile stdout
  -log string
        Process log file
        Gzip-compress rolled process log files (default true)
  -log-roll-mb int
        Roll process log when it reaches this many megabytes (0 to disable rolling) (default 100)
  -pidfile string
        Path to write pid file
        List installed plugins
  -port string
        Default port (default "2015")
        Use experimental QUIC
        Quiet mode (no initialization output)
  -revoke string
        Hostname for which to revoke the certificate
  -root string
        Root path of default site (default ".")
  -type string
        Type of server to run (default "http")
        Parse the Caddyfile but do not start the server
        Show version

Dinaamagdy commented 5 years ago

etcd test status: j.builder.db.etcd.sandbox() passed j.builder.db.etcd.start() bug j.builder.db.etcd.stop() bug

I created its flist using the tar file and here are the steps to verify its container

node = j.clients.zos.get('ac1f6b4575a8', data={'host':'', 'password_':'*************'})
cont = node.container.create(root_url="", nics=[{'type':"default",'name':"def"}], port={2225:22},storage="zdb://") 
client = node.client.container.client(24)
client.system('/sandbox/bin/etcd -h').get() 



  --name 'default'
    Human-readable name for this member.
  --data-dir '${name}.etcd'
    Path to the data directory.
  --wal-dir ''
    Path to the dedicated wal directory.
  --snapshot-count '100000'
    Number of committed transactions to trigger a snapshot to disk.
  --heartbeat-interval '100'
    Time (in milliseconds) of a heartbeat interval.
  --election-timeout '1000'
    Time (in milliseconds) for an election to timeout. See tuning documentation for details.
  --initial-election-tick-advance 'true'
    Whether to fast-forward initial election ticks on boot for faster election.
  --listen-peer-urls 'http://localhost:2380'
    List of URLs to listen on for peer traffic.
  --listen-client-urls 'http://localhost:2379'
    List of URLs to listen on for client traffic.
  --max-snapshots '5'
    Maximum number of snapshot files to retain (0 is unlimited).
  --max-wals '5'
    Maximum number of wal files to retain (0 is unlimited).
  --quota-backend-bytes '0'
    Raise alarms when backend size exceeds the given quota (0 defaults to low space quota).
  --backend-batch-interval ''
    BackendBatchInterval is the maximum time before commit the backend transaction.
  --backend-batch-limit '0'
    BackendBatchLimit is the maximum operations before commit the backend transaction.
  --max-txn-ops '128'
    Maximum number of operations permitted in a transaction.
  --max-request-bytes '1572864'
    Maximum client request size in bytes the server will accept.
  --grpc-keepalive-min-time '5s'
    Minimum duration interval that a client should wait before pinging server.
  --grpc-keepalive-interval '2h'
    Frequency duration of server-to-client ping to check if a connection is alive (0 to disable).
  --grpc-keepalive-timeout '20s'
    Additional duration of wait before closing a non-responsive connection (0 to disable).

  --initial-advertise-peer-urls 'http://localhost:2380'
    List of this member's peer URLs to advertise to the rest of the cluster.
  --initial-cluster 'default=http://localhost:2380'
    Initial cluster configuration for bootstrapping.
  --initial-cluster-state 'new'
    Initial cluster state ('new' or 'existing').
  --initial-cluster-token 'etcd-cluster'
    Initial cluster token for the etcd cluster during bootstrap.
    Specifying this can protect you from unintended cross-cluster interaction when running multiple clusters.
  --advertise-client-urls 'http://localhost:2379'
    List of this member's client URLs to advertise to the public.
    The client URLs advertised should be accessible to machines that talk to etcd cluster. etcd client libraries parse these URLs to connect to the cluster.
  --discovery ''
    Discovery URL used to bootstrap the cluster.
  --discovery-fallback 'proxy'
    Expected behavior ('exit' or 'proxy') when discovery services fails.
    "proxy" supports v2 API only.
  --discovery-proxy ''
    HTTP proxy to use for traffic to discovery service.
  --discovery-srv ''
    DNS srv domain used to bootstrap the cluster.
  --discovery-srv-name ''
    Suffix to the dns srv name queried when bootstrapping.
  --strict-reconfig-check 'true'
    Reject reconfiguration requests that would cause quorum loss.
  --pre-vote 'false'
    Enable to run an additional Raft election phase.
  --auto-compaction-retention '0'
    Auto compaction retention length. 0 means disable auto compaction.
  --auto-compaction-mode 'periodic'
    Interpret 'auto-compaction-retention' one of: periodic|revision. 'periodic' for duration based retention, defaulting to hours if no time unit is provided (e.g. '5m'). 'revision' for revision number based retention.
  --enable-v2 'true'
    Accept etcd V2 client requests.

  --cert-file ''
    Path to the client server TLS cert file.
  --key-file ''
    Path to the client server TLS key file.
  --client-cert-auth 'false'
    Enable client cert authentication.
  --client-crl-file ''
    Path to the client certificate revocation list file.
  --trusted-ca-file ''
    Path to the client server TLS trusted CA cert file.
  --auto-tls 'false'
    Client TLS using generated certificates.
  --peer-cert-file ''
    Path to the peer server TLS cert file.
  --peer-key-file ''
    Path to the peer server TLS key file.
  --peer-client-cert-auth 'false'
    Enable peer client cert authentication.
  --peer-trusted-ca-file ''
    Path to the peer server TLS trusted CA file.
  --peer-cert-allowed-cn ''
    Required CN for client certs connecting to the peer endpoint.
  --peer-auto-tls 'false'
    Peer TLS using self-generated certificates if --peer-key-file and --peer-cert-file are not provided.
  --peer-crl-file ''
    Path to the peer certificate revocation list file.
  --cipher-suites ''
    Comma-separated list of supported TLS cipher suites between client/server and peers (empty will be auto-populated by Go).
  --cors '*'
    Comma-separated whitelist of origins for CORS, or cross-origin resource sharing, (empty or * means allow all).
  --host-whitelist '*'
    Acceptable hostnames from HTTP client requests, if server is not secure (empty or * means allow all).

  --auth-token 'simple'
    Specify a v3 authentication token type and its options ('simple' or 'jwt').
  --bcrypt-cost 10
    Specify the cost / strength of the bcrypt algorithm for hashing auth passwords. Valid values are between 4 and 31.

Profiling and Monitoring:
  --enable-pprof 'false'
    Enable runtime profiling data via HTTP server. Address is at client URL + "/debug/pprof/"
  --metrics 'basic'
    Set level of detail for exported metrics, specify 'extensive' to include histogram metrics.
  --listen-metrics-urls ''
    List of URLs to listen on for the metrics and health endpoints.

  --logger 'capnslog'
    Specify 'zap' for structured logging or 'capnslog'.
  --log-outputs 'default'
    Specify 'stdout' or 'stderr' to skip journald logging even when running under systemd, or list of comma separated output targets.
  --debug 'false'
    Enable debug-level logging for etcd.

Logging (to be deprecated in v3.5):
  --log-package-levels ''
    Specify a particular log level for each etcd package (eg: 'etcdmain=CRITICAL,etcdserver=DEBUG').

v2 Proxy (to be deprecated in v4):
  --proxy 'off'
    Proxy mode setting ('off', 'readonly' or 'on').
  --proxy-failure-wait 5000
    Time (in milliseconds) an endpoint will be held in a failed state.
  --proxy-refresh-interval 30000
    Time (in milliseconds) of the endpoints refresh interval.
  --proxy-dial-timeout 1000
    Time (in milliseconds) for a dial to timeout.
  --proxy-write-timeout 5000
    Time (in milliseconds) for a write to timeout.
  --proxy-read-timeout 0
    Time (in milliseconds) for a read to timeout.

Experimental feature:
  --experimental-initial-corrupt-check 'false'
    Enable to check data corruption before serving any client/peer traffic.
  --experimental-corrupt-check-time '0s'
    Duration of time between cluster corruption check passes.
  --experimental-enable-v2v3 ''
    Serve v2 requests through the v3 backend under a given prefix.
    ExperimentalBackendFreelistType specifies the type of freelist that boltdb backend uses(array and map are supported types).

Unsafe feature:
  --force-new-cluster 'false'
    Force to create a new one-member cluster.

CAUTIOUS with unsafe flag! It may break the guarantees given by the consensus protocol!


  etcd [flags]
    Start an etcd server.

  etcd --version
    Show the version of etcd.

  etcd -h | --help
    Show the help information about etcd.

  etcd --config-file
    Path to the server configuration file.

  etcd gateway
    Run the stateless pass-through etcd TCP connection forwarding proxy.

  etcd grpc-proxy
    Run the stateless etcd v3 gRPC L7 reverse proxy.

Dinaamagdy commented 5 years ago

verifying openresty build:pass sandbox: pass flist verifying: I creates flist from tar.gz generated from sandbox and create container using it but it doesn't work correctly

Dina-Abd-Elrahman commented 5 years ago

verifying coredns

build:pass sandbox: bug

despiegk commented 5 years ago

have created a checklist see main content

rkhamis commented 5 years ago

Closed in favor