threefoldtech / info_grid

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IMPORTANT for hackathon zanzibar: add get started section / quick start guide #551

Closed sasha-astiadi closed 1 month ago

sasha-astiadi commented 1 month ago

Feature Request: Consolidated One-Page Guide for Prerequisites and Role-Specific Steps for Different threefold grid users


Create a comprehensive one-page guide that outlines the prerequisites for all users, followed by specific steps for developers, farmers, and sysadmins. This guide is needed for the upcoming hackathon in Zanzibar, where many developers will be deploying apps on the grid. Some participants may have little to no prior knowledge about ThreeFold, so the steps need to be clear and concise.


  1. Prerequisites for All Users:

    • Download and install TF Connect app
    • Obtain TFT (ThreeFold Tokens)
    • Follow additional general steps
  2. For Developers:

    • Install JavaScript clients
    • Follow additional developer-specific steps
  3. For Farmers:

    • Create a Farm
    • Follow additional farmer-specific steps
  4. For Sysadmins:

    • Create a TFChain Account
    • Follow additional sysadmin-specific steps