Closed mohamedamer453 closed 1 year ago
After successfully deploying a peertube instance through terraform on qanet i tried to access the instance but i got a Bad Gateway
Bad Gateway
and when i tried to ssh to the vm to get the zinit logs i got the following error
ssh: connect to host 300:8c6c:fabd:b329:2269:276:a701:352d port 22: Connection refused
terraform { required_providers { grid = { source = "threefoldtech/grid" } } } provider "grid" { } # this data source is used to break circular dependency in cases similar to the following: # vm: needs to know the domain in its init script # gateway_name: needs the ip of the vm to use as backend. # - the fqdn can be computed from grid_gateway_domain for the vm # - the backend can reference the vm ip directly data "grid_gateway_domain" "domain" { node = 3 name = "testpeertube" } resource "grid_network" "net1" { nodes = [3] ip_range = "" name = "network" description = "newer network" add_wg_access = true } resource "grid_deployment" "d1" { node = 3 network_name = ip_range = lookup(grid_network.net1.nodes_ip_range, 3, "") vms { name = "vm1" flist = "" cpu = 2 # publicip = true entrypoint = "/usr/local/bin/" memory = 4096 env_vars = { SSH_KEY = "ssh-rsa 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 root@mohamed-Inspiron-3576" PEERTUBE_DB_SUFFIX = "_prod" PEERTUBE_DB_USERNAME = "peertube" PEERTUBE_DB_PASSWORD = "peertube" PEERTUBE_ADMIN_EMAIL = "" PEERTUBE_WEBSERVER_HOSTNAME = data.grid_gateway_domain.domain.fqdn PEERTUBE_WEBSERVER_PORT = 443 PEERTUBE_SMTP_HOSTNAME = "" PEERTUBE_SMTP_USERNAME = "sendgridusername" PEERTUBE_SMTP_PASSWORD = "sendgridpassword" PEERTUBE_BIND_ADDRESS = "::", } planetary = true } } resource "grid_name_proxy" "p1" { node = 3 name = "testpeertube" backends = [format("http://[%s]:9000", grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].ygg_ip)] tls_passthrough = false } output "fqdn" { value = data.grid_gateway_domain.domain.fqdn } output "node1_zmachine1_ip" { value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].ip } # output "public_ip" { # value = split("/",grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].computedip)[0] # } output "ygg_ip" { value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].ygg_ip }
steps made to check the problem:
After successfully deploying a peertube instance through terraform on qanet i tried to access the instance but i got a
Bad Gateway
and when i tried to ssh to the vm to get the zinit logs i got the following error
Deployment Output