threefoldtecharchive / zosctl

zero-os container manager for zero-os operating system
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unrelated error when listing containers when there are none #91

Open robvanmieghem opened 5 years ago

robvanmieghem commented 5 years ago

Installation information

Detailed description

zos container list

value out of range: -1

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Steps to reproduce

MacBook-Pro-783:bin rob$ zos init --name=zosmachine --reset
INFO machine zosmachine exists already
INFO preparing zos machine...may take a while..
INFO created zos machine and we are ready.
MacBook-Pro-783:bin rob$ zos container list

value out of range: -1

Stacktraces if any

Possible solution(s)

xmonader commented 5 years ago

I'm afraid that might be an older version

./zos container list
INFO machine doesn't have any active containers.
~> ./zos --version
zos 0.1.6 (HEAD#f2d646ee8ba835534e6d91b7d3d762a063a67327)