threewebcode / W3

Three Web World
Apache License 2.0
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Opensea Study #3

Open threewebcode opened 1 year ago

threewebcode commented 1 year ago

Airdrop By Solidy


  1. public drops
  2. allow list stages
  3. token gated drops
  4. server-side signed mints

Opensea Reference

  1. file ERC721ContractMetadata.sol

    1. use import and from statement to use other code elements in other files
    2. ERC721ContractMetadata contract is defined.
      1. fields
        1. max supply
        2. token base URI
        3. provenance hash
        4. royalty information
      2. functions
        1. only owner or self check function
        2. constructor function: name and symbol as input parameters
        3. set base URI function
        4. set contract URI function
        5. set max supply function
        6. set provenance hash function
        7. emit both of old and new hash in the event
        8. set royalty information function
        9. address check
        10. base points check
        11. emit event
        12. field getter functions
  2. file SeaDrop.sol

    1. contract SeaDrop
      1. parent contracts
        1. Drop interface
        2. ReentrancyGuard constraint
      2. fields
        1. public drops and mapping type
        2. key: address
        3. value: public drop
        4. creator payout address and mapping type
        5. key: address
        6. value: address
        7. allow list merkle roots and mapping type
        8. key: address
        9. value: 32 byte
  3. file