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Cache issues during minting/unminting #715

Open michalinacienciala opened 8 months ago

michalinacienciala commented 8 months ago

There were some issues that potencially may be related to cache handling that I observed durng minting/unminting. Not sure if they all have the same root cause or not.

Issue 1:

I was connected to one account via MM and had an unmintinmg process going on. Then I switched to a different account in MM and saw that I got disconnected (as expected), but I still saw some info related to my the unminting request going on on the disconnected account (not expected): image

After refreshing it was the same: image

Only after switching to Mint and back to Unmint tab I finally got a 'clean` view: image

Issue 2:

There's also something off about the statuses shown for deposits (status in My activity is sometimes not in line with the status in activity details). For example on this video, at 0:14 you can see that My Activity showed that deposit for ~0.05 BTC was Minted, but details showed contradictory information (only after few second after I took the video the statuses on the timeline started to change and progressed to Minting Completed).

And on the screenshot it can be seen that deposit for ~0.2 BTC is show in My Activity as Pending, when in details it's completed: image

That deposit for 0.2 BTC wasn't yet completed. In tbtcscan we could see it was in MINTING REQUESTED state. Yet dapp showed it as completed (but txs on the right panel show that there was no Minting Completion tx yet): image

After reloading the page, statuses got updated to the correct values.