I know that for timestamps in thrift, the notation is
typedef i64 (js.type = "Date") Timestamp
Does thriftrw-node return an actual date or is this converted to a string?
I'm trying to figure out the correct flow annotation for Timestamp is, because when my node backend get a thrift response back from a golang backend I am seeing it as a string, but the flow annotation for timestamps is Date in thrift2flow
js.type=Date indicates that the encoded representation is a number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch, and the JavaScript representation is a Date object. ThriftRW will also coerce an ISO string on the writer side.
I know that for timestamps in thrift, the notation is
typedef i64 (js.type = "Date") Timestamp
Does thriftrw-node return an actual date or is this converted to a string?
I'm trying to figure out the correct flow annotation for Timestamp is, because when my node backend get a thrift response back from a golang backend I am seeing it as a string, but the flow annotation for timestamps is Date in