thrivesmart / bootscaf

Easily turn your rails generated scaffolds into fully bootstrappified views.
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Update for Rails 5: no "Listing" on index #4

Open southwolf opened 8 years ago

moorage commented 8 years ago

Thanks! is this backwards compatible with rails 4?

southwolf commented 8 years ago

@moorage I've updated the code to remain back compatibility for Rails 4 and fix #3. It requires loading your current Rails when running bootscaf. I haven't figure out how to load different versions of Rails in gemspec, so CI will fail (temporarily).

moorage commented 8 years ago

What do you mean "temporarily"?

Did you try spec.add_dependency "rails" ? Did that fail?

southwolf commented 8 years ago

@moorage The purpose of this pull request is to load and test your "current" version of Rails, but spec.add_dependency "rails" without version number in CI will only get the latest rails (4.2.6 for now, and 5.0 in future). CI will pass, but that's not what I want, and not what I mean.