thrombe / hyprkool

Hyprland plugin to replicate the feel of kde activities and desktop grid layout
MIT License
47 stars 3 forks source link

Error: No such file or directory (os error 2) #3

Closed frigaut closed 4 months ago

frigaut commented 4 months ago

Hi! First issue? I saw your (?) post on reddit and wanted to try hyprkool out. It looks lie something I have been looking for for a while. Anway, tried to install it through hyprpm (it worked) but trying to run it I get

〉hyprpm list
[...] → Repository hyprkool: │ Plugin hyprkool └─ enabled: true [22:02 ~/Downloads] 〉hyprkool toggle-overview zsh: hyprkool: command not found...

I then tried to install it from source, it built, but then

〉./target/release/hyprkool toggle-overview Error: No such file or directory (os error 2)

the executable is there, and I can

A tool that helps you replicate the feel of kde activities and desktop grid layout in Hyprland

Usage: hyprkool [OPTIONS]

Commands: daemon

but trying to execute any command (daemon, toggle-overview) lead to the same

〉./hyprkool toggle-overview Error: No such file or directory (os error 2)

any hint?

thrombe commented 4 months ago

you have to install both the plugin and the cli for the overview to work. the cli can be installed with this command cargo install --path . after you cd into this repo. after installing the cli - can you make sure that other commands are running? you can test hyprkool info active-window

thrombe commented 4 months ago

it seems like you might not have the hyprkool.toml config file in place. can you try copy pasting the contents of hyprkool.toml from the readme file to ~/.config/hypr/hyprkool.toml ?

either way, this should have just picked up the default values. i'll fix this bug shortly.

thrombe commented 4 months ago

commit 454c82b should solve this issue.

thrombe commented 4 months ago

i'll close the issue as it should be fixed. you can reopen it if you still face this issue after updating hyprkool.