thrombe / hyprkool

Hyprland plugin to replicate the feel of kde activities and desktop grid layout
MIT License
47 stars 3 forks source link

No Such file or deirectory #9

Closed HayyanAzzam closed 3 months ago

HayyanAzzam commented 3 months ago

Hey there again, hope you r doing well, I just updated to hyprland 0.40.0-1 (latest on extra), hyprkool simply stopped working, when running "hyprkool" in the terminal i get the help message, but when running hyprkool daemon -m i get Error: No such file or directory (os error 2).

I updated the daemon and the plugin from hyprpm, but to no avail, and using the entore path to run the thingy has the same result, when running ~/.cargo/bin/hyprkool i get the help message, but when running ~/.cargo/bin/hyprkool daemon - m i get Error: No such file or directory (os error 2)


thrombe commented 3 months ago

hyprland changed a bunch of things in v0.40 and i haven't done the work to support that yet.

i'll push fixes for it in the near future. until then, hyprkool will only work with v0.39.

apologies for the inconvenience.

HayyanAzzam commented 3 months ago

tested on these, only works on this one image

HayyanAzzam commented 3 months ago

hyprland changed a bunch of things in v0.40 and i haven't done the work to support that yet.

i'll push fixes for it in the near future. until then, hyprkool will only work with v0.39.

apologies for the inconvenience.

ok ok, lovely, thx

thrombe commented 3 months ago

let's keep the issue open until it is fixed. :)

thrombe commented 3 months ago

hyprkool v0.6.0 now works with Hyprland v0.40.0