thu-coai / Emotional-Support-Conversation

Data and codes for ACL 2021 paper: Towards Emotional Support Dialog Systems
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a question about interact with strategy #11

Closed nullgogo closed 2 years ago

nullgogo commented 2 years ago

在进行交互的 前有限轮对话中,当所有对话内容tokenize之后的总长度小于max_input_length时,AI回复的strategy一直保持不变,直到tokenize之后的总长度大于max_input_length后,因为这时候开始做max_input_length的截断了,strat_dialogpt.py中predict_strategy函数中切片的logits才会变化,AI回复的strategy才会变,想问一下,是就这么设计的,还是其他原因啊?

chujiezheng commented 2 years ago

不好意思, 没看到你的问题. interact.py的代码是针对vanilla模型设计的. 如果要和strategy模型交互, 需要改一下代码.

nullgogo commented 2 years ago


# ...
# ...
    id2strategy = {
        0: "Question", 
        1: "Restatement or Paraphrasing", 
        2: "Reflection of feelings", 
        3: "Self-disclosure",  
        4: "Affirmation and Reassurance", 
        5: "Providing Suggestions", 
        6: "Information", 
        7: "Others" 
    # 163  generate response
    history['dialog'].append({ # dummy tgt
        'text': 'n/a',
        'speaker': 'sys',
        "strategy": "Others"  # 伪策略
    inputs = inputter.convert_data_to_inputs(history, toker, **dataloader_kwargs)
    inputs = inputs[-1:]
    features = inputter.convert_inputs_to_features(inputs, toker, **dataloader_kwargs)
    batch = inputter.prepare_infer_batch(features, toker)
    batch = {k: if isinstance(v, Tensor) else v for k, v in batch.items()}
    encoded_info, generations = model.generate(**batch)

    out = generations[0].tolist()
    out = cut_seq_to_eos(out, eos)
    text = toker.decode(out).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii').strip()
    strat_id_out = encoded_info['pred_strat_id_top3'].tolist()[0][0]  # 取top1 策略id
    strategy = id2strategy[strat_id_out]
    print("   AI: " + "[" + strategy + "]" + text)

        'text': text,
        'speaker': 'sys',
        'strategy': strategy
chujiezheng commented 2 years ago

看起来合理. 能正常运行就可以

nullgogo commented 2 years ago

可以正常运行,有一个问题是当对话轮次较少,即inputs文本 tokenize之后的总长度小于max_input_length时,每一次AI回复的strategy不变。

chujiezheng commented 2 years ago


batch = inputter.prepare_infer_batch(features, toker) -> batch = inputter.prepare_infer_batch(features, toker, interact=True)

nullgogo commented 2 years ago

好像还有这个问题。 我的理解是:pred_strat_id是根据strat_dialogpt.py中predict_strategy方法里的logits预测出来的,logits[:, 0, -8:]在前有限轮对话里都没变,导致pred_strat_id一直不变。

chujiezheng commented 2 years ago

已修复. DialoGPT模型应该取logits[:, -1, -8:]

nullgogo commented 2 years ago


nullgogo commented 2 years ago

ESC在response阶段,是基于历史对话内容 预测当前阶段的response 应该使用哪种策略吧?数据集设计也是这样的。在实际应用场景中,如果对话轮次变多,感觉很容易造成response的内容和策略对应不上的问题。相比之下,如果是对response的内容单独做多分类模型,分类成某一个策略类别,这样或许比较容易对应上,但这似乎又与使用策略回复的初衷不太一样。不知道您是怎么理解的。

chujiezheng commented 2 years ago
