thu-ml / BigTopicModel

Big Topic Model is a fast engine for running large-scale Topic Models.
MIT License
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Write documents for BTM #8

Open sproblvem opened 8 years ago

sproblvem commented 8 years ago

Our document should include three aspects:

  1. user guide, include compilation guides and running guide.
  2. the design principle of BTM
  3. the comparison result of our competitors : Petuum, Yahoo!LDA, Spark, F+Nomad LDA
ghost commented 7 years ago


I am trying to set-up BTM for lda. Apart from various difficulties I encountered during the compilation, I am a bit confused about the formatter.

I managed to work out that prefixname.filelist and prefixname.vocab files are needed, but I am still having trouble figuring the format of the files in .filelist and .vocab. Might you have a draft form of instructions ready, or could you provide some quick instructions about those.

It would be really helpful. Thank you

sproblvem commented 7 years ago

Hi mromaios, sorry for late reply. I have a small draft about how to use BTM, I can email it to you. Can you give me you email address? The document is quite un-complete currently, I will complete it in recent days.