thuantran / dnscrypt-asuswrt-installer

dnscrypt installer for Asus router with merlin firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ASUS RT-AC87U, folder write-protected #53

Closed ZuloEU closed 6 years ago

ZuloEU commented 6 years ago


Issue to install dnscrypt-asuswrt because a folder is write-protected (line 12).

USERNAME@RT-AC87U:/tmp/home/root#_ wget --no-check-certificate -O installer https://raw.githubusercontent .com/thuantran/dnscrypt-asuswrt-installer/master/installer && sh installer ; rm installer --2018-06-13 14:18:56-- Resolving Connecting to||:443... connected. WARNING: cannot verify's certificate, issued by '/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ SHA2 High Assurance Server CA': Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 28588 (28K) [text/plain] Saving to: 'installer'

installer 100%[====================================>] 27.92K --.-KB/s in 0.01s

2018-06-13 14:18:57 (2.40 MB/s) - 'installer' saved [28588/28588]

installer: readonly: line 12: TARG_DIR: is read only USERNAME@RT-AC87U:/tmp/home/root#

---> I try to install on a ASUS RT-AC87U (firmware Version (2018/01/25)). Use Cloudflare DNS (and want to use DNS over HTTPS (DoH)).

TheUntouchable commented 6 years ago

Are you using asuswrt-merlin firmware? I think it will not work with the stock one..

ZuloEU commented 6 years ago


I'm using asuswrt-merlin firmware 384.5 (stable/current) from 2018-05-13.

After a lot of work I finally had install "dnscrypt-asuswrt-installer" but still have some issue to get it work correct. I have therefore decided not to use it and will close this issues. Unfortunately. Maybe it's just me and others are more lucky.

TheUntouchable commented 6 years ago

For the dnscrypt installer, did you visit the corresponding forum for that?

The installer worked for me without any problems on my RT-AC88U

ZuloEU commented 6 years ago

I try to visit the corresponding forum without to find a solution for my problem. I could have created a question in there but I didn't.

After some work I got it install. But I could not get DNS to work over TLS/HTTPS/DOH. Maybe I did something wrong in the setup - I'm just losing my internet connection. Then I have to start over again.

Maybe I will make a question in the corresponding forum sometime.