thuiar / Self-MM

Codes for paper "Learning Modality-Specific Representations with Self-Supervised Multi-Task Learning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis"
MIT License
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视频音频特征提取 #25

Open ingtaoLi opened 7 months ago

ingtaoLi commented 7 months ago

我刚刚读到了您在 AAAI 2021 上发表的精彩论文,题为“Learning Modality-Specific Representations with Self-Supervised Multi-Task Learning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis”。我想请问一下您,在论文中您并未阐述视频音频特征提取具体使用的是什么,您方便告知一下吗?视频模块使用的是MediaPipe还是OpenFace?音频模块使用的是Librosa、OpenSMILE还是Wav2Vec呢? 抱歉耽误您的时间了,期待您的回复!谢谢!

20184490 commented 6 months ago


YangDargon commented 4 months ago
