thumblemonks / jubilator

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Folder indicators are not displayed correctly on FireFox #5

Open jetztgradnet opened 14 years ago

jetztgradnet commented 14 years ago


Jubilator looks great!

I have an issue: I'm using FF3.6 RC1 and the folder indicators are not displayed correctly:

I can see icons with an arrow, which seem to be barely visible under the folder text. And they do not seem to be placed correctly for folders and/or files.

thumblemonks commented 14 years ago

I'm glad you like Jubilator. That really makes me happy.

Sorry about the folder icons. The current "solution" was just sort of a quick thing I did so I could have something. I fully intended to make the tree listing more tree like but the tree plugins for jQuery were pissing me off. Need to figure something out for this panl.