thumblemonks / smurf

Rails plugin to automatically minify JavaScript and CSS when their bundles get cached
MIT License
193 stars 12 forks source link

Can we customise the compilers? Closure (java + webservice), and yui? #14

Open balupton opened 13 years ago

balupton commented 13 years ago

Is it possible to set the Javascript compiler to run the java executables for closure and yui? Or use the closure web service (if java isn't available)?

gus commented 13 years ago

Another nice feature request and not one I haven't heard before. It's not something you can do currently, but it's pretty silly that you can't.

Sorry folks. Any help in making this happen is much appreciated. I've been doing a lot of ruby and node.js backend networky stuff lately and really haven't a ton of time or reason for using smurf in the past 8 months or so.

Smurf still gets a fair amount of interest which leads me to believe there is still a real need for simple implementation/integration of what should be common web infrastructure support; so, help of all kinds is wanted. pull-requests greatly welcomed.

balupton commented 13 years ago

That sounds good, right now I'm trying to decide between Jammit and Smurf - Jammit is nice, but I don't like how it only supports packages - a yaml file seems a silly place to manage your page's resources :/

Ultimately, I'm after a solution that you can pick your compiler (or write it as a plugin), handle script elements (as well as sources), and css too. Using less seems like a good option for CSS compilation, as we can pass the Less automatically compiled files to the bundler so no worries there - where in PHP we would have the bundler also do the compilation of CSS (as we don't have tools like Less).