thumbor / opencv-engine

Thumbor engine for the openCV imaging library.
MIT License
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Support for GPU acceleration? #18

Open BenMorel opened 8 years ago

BenMorel commented 8 years ago

Hi, is there support for GPU acceleration in the OpenCV engine?

I tried the OpenCV engine on a GPU instance on AWS EC2, with CUDA drivers installed, but saw an actual drop in performance as compared to the default pil engine when doing simple resizes.

Vmadmax commented 7 years ago


christianjgreen commented 7 years ago

OoenCV is a computer imaging service that specializes in array math, not necessarily resizing. It also depends on your compiled version of openCV. It can be built with or without many flags including GPU acceleration. I personally upgraded to the openCV 2/3 C++ Api (import cv2 over import cv) and it out performs PIL for me.