thunder-engine / thunder

Thunder Engine – Cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine with modular architecture
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Bug: Shaders Have Different MD5Sums Between Windows and Linux SDK Builds From Github Runner Builds #784

Closed bedwardly-down closed 6 days ago

bedwardly-down commented 6 days ago


I was checking to see differences between the FreeBSD, Windows and Linux builds for #778 to see if something was happening to cause some of the resources to not load properly and decided to just run md5sum on some of the shaders. I chose one that doesn't load on the BSD build for this test.


Not applicable here.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Download the Windows and Linux artifacts from here:
  2. Extract each to a separate directory.
  3. Run md5sum release/install-root/sdk/2024.2/resources/engine/materials/DefaultFont.shader from the Windows extraction directory.
  4. Repeat with the Linux extraction directory.

Expected behavior:

Shaders should have the same MD5Sums if they are just copied over and not processed based on platform.

Actual behavior:

The MD5Sums are drastically different.


Can repeat with the last stable release builds too.


Not applicable in this case.

Additional Information

This may not be a bug but an intended outcome. I haven't fully figured out how resources are processed yet. Both the Linux and BSD MD5Sums are exactly the same between builds. If this is a bug, I wonder if this could be related to them not loading correctly.

Attached is a list of my MD5Sum findings for this test. The lines with windows-stable and linux-stable are tests ran on the last stable release build from here. The others are from this PR md5sum.txt

eprikazchikov commented 6 days ago

MD5 check sums was done on top of QT. I'm not controlling this. I can assume these sums was not updated in time when I changed the content. It's not lead to any issues except re import asset if sum doesn't match

bedwardly-down commented 6 days ago

I'll close this then. Better safe than sorry in this case.