thunderbird / thunderbird-android

K-9 Mail – Open Source Email App for Android
Apache License 2.0
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iCalendar support #930

Open towo opened 8 years ago

towo commented 8 years ago

Having the ability to view and accept (including sending a reply (!)) meetings on mobile would be a pretty great option.

Steps required for this:

  1. ical/vcalendar parsing (copy and paste logic from e.g. GNOME Evolution (
  2. Displaying event information in mail.
  3. Add parsed event to calendar.
  4. Offer to send response to organizer/all attendees.
  5. Create response (yet another vcalendar) and send it, if requested.

Step four should probably not forget the security signing hook (e.g. openkeychain).

AHoros commented 7 years ago

From the duplicated issue #1661 I would escalate one additional simple sub-feature:

NOTE: development could be separated into two stages: basic & advanced with basic we can get big improvement in usability with these three sub-features:

  1. ical/vcalendar parsing
  2. Displaying event information in mail.
  3. Filter inbox by emails containing attachment with ical/vcalendar files.

And for advanced and more complex development:

  1. Offer to send response to organizer/all attendees.
  2. Create response (yet another vcalendar) and send it, if requested.
  3. the security signing hook (e.g. openkeychain).
philipwhiuk commented 7 years ago

In terms of quick off-hand estimation

The ordering of 3, 4, 5 and 6 will depend on usage. Personally, sending a response is more useful to me than filtering email by attachment (which is a pre-requisite for 3 I don't think we currently support) so I'd be inclined to do 4 and 5 first. But I'm not picking this up as there's lots of higher priority things to fix for me.

philipwhiuk commented 7 years ago

Potential library for iCal parsing:

philipwhiuk commented 7 years ago

Seeing noname.ics in my email inbox keeps bugging me so I started looking into this.

I've done some bits of work to K-9 for a while now, but the handling of Part's actual data still confuses me. I'm not quite sure yet where the parsing of the ICS file ought to take place yet.

What I do know is that the ICS file has a lot of complexity to it! There's lots of properties that probably most people never use. And there's a fair bit people do use.

I suspect a first PR will add basic support for simple events with participants.

We certainly don't need to deal with every field. Firstly because it's an email app, so stuff like Alarms is obviously out of scope. Secondly because supporting endless complexity is burdensome. And finally because it's a mobile client, so trying to fit in lots of minor information is going to use up valuable real estate.

Given ICS supports attachments inline there will need to be tests done on iCalendar files with large attachments to make sure we don't crash K-9 trying to parse an ICS file.

Valodim commented 7 years ago

Parsing this is probably best implemented by creating a new type of Viewable, similar to how mail headers are displayed in a special manner

philipwhiuk commented 7 years ago

So I didn't go down the Viewable route. It is a new Part type but in several places we make the assumption that viewable actually means HTML / TEXT / WebView capable. So instead I added some extra arguments.

Someone familiar with the database/LocalPart code will probably tell me I'm doing stuff in the wrong place. I know the constructor of ICalPart is doing stuff it really shouldn't. What I don't know is quite where that logic does belong.

Anyway: spike development:

And fancy image:


Note that the names are fine in reality - I just blanked them except for mine. That's an actual Outlook iCalendar attachment sent to another of my accounts, forwarded from me to me, being parsed and displayed.

I still need to do lots of work (in addition to feedback on LocalParts etc):

philipwhiuk commented 7 years ago

Assigned to me as I'm actively developing this.

I fixed Textual parts mostly. However:

com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LockableDatabase$WrappedException: com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException: Error appending message: **subject**
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder$12.doDbWork(
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder$12.doDbWork(
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LockableDatabase.execute(
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder.storeSmallMessage(
    at com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingController$12.messageFinished(
    at com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingController.downloadSmallMessages(
    at com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingController.downloadMessages(
    at com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingController.synchronizeMailboxSynchronous(
    at com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingController$
    at com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingController.runInBackground(
    at com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingController.access$000(
    at com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingController$
Caused by: com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException: Error appending message: **subject**
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder.saveMessage(
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder$14.doDbWork(
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder$14.doDbWork(
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LockableDatabase.execute(
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder.appendMessages(
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder.appendMessages(
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder$12.doDbWork(
    ... 13 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'boolean java.util.List.add(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference
    at com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MessageExtractor.findHtmlPart(
    at com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MessageExtractor.findViewablesAndAttachments(
    at com.fsck.k9.message.extractors.AttachmentCounter.getAttachmentCount(
    at com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder.saveMessage(
    ... 19 more
xenithorb commented 7 years ago

I assume none of this has shipped yet in 5.115 on F-Droid?

The behavior I'm noticing is that K9 recognizes that there's an embedded .ics file but is always zero-byte and crashes the calendar handler.

However, for actual ics attachments, as such from gmail and friends, the handler correctly passes off the attachment to the calendar app and the appointment is correctly added.

So I assume this is all about parsing the embedded "non-attached" ics?

philipwhiuk commented 7 years ago

Correct - it's not been merged. It won't be merged until after the next stable release (5.2x) because I really want us to do a release, we are way overdue, and I don't create new blockers.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by embedded - Outlook for example still creates attachments, it's just the UI presents it nicely. K-9 certainly should be passing off the ICS files correctly to the handler in 5.115

brad-x commented 7 years ago

Another mechanism in use is to simply put the vcalendar contents into the body of an email message (this is not Outlook compatible but seems to be in adoption among other mail clients/systems).

It looks like K-9 represents both the inline BEGIN:VCALENDAR and the MIME attachment as two separate attachments. So I think that's in the realm of what he means.

vasyugan commented 6 years ago

Hi, a comment says this was planned for 5.2, but on 5.4 which my phone has, it is not there. Are there still plans to release it?

codethief commented 5 years ago

I would absolutely love to have .ics support as well but considering the fact that the previous comments are already two years old, this seems to be dead in the water.

therges commented 5 years ago

I would like to vote for this too!

vasyugan commented 5 years ago

why were the last four comments (including one by me) marked as "spam"?

Valodim commented 5 years ago

Because they add nothing to the technical discussion. Please use reactions for "voting".

To summarize the current status: There was some work on iCal at some point (see #2741), but it was never finished. We already have our hands full at the moment, and iCalendar support is not on our immediate roadmap. If you'd like to pick up the development for this feature, you are of course welcome to!

vasyugan commented 5 years ago

Because they add nothing to the technical discussion. Please use reactions for "voting".

That's a very loose definition of "spam". Usually that means unsolicited advertisement, not unwanted comments. E.g. my own comment:

Hi, a comment says this was planned for 5.2, but on 5.4 which my phone has, it is not there. Are there still plans to release it?

This is not a vote but a question. How is it "spam"? Rather than marking it spam you could e.g. say "We don't know" or "it's ready when it's ready" or even "we've given up on it". In any case there would be more clarity after.

cketti commented 5 years ago

@vasyugan: The issue tracker is not here to give you clarity. It's a tool we use for development. K-9 Mail is an open source project run by volunteers. So the answer to all kinds of questions about future plans is either "maybe" or "it's done when it's done". If you feel the need for further discussion please use the mailing list.

PS: The options for reasons why a comment should be hidden are limited. I hope you're happier with "off topic".

d-tamm commented 5 years ago

Dead for more than 2 years. Is there any ongoing work to get K9 handle invites nicely? If implementing an Accept/Reject reply mechanism is not too complex, this should get priority (after showing the invitation's content).

mdjango commented 2 years ago

Hi @cketti , how are you doing? I just saw your blog entry and am very happy that you are taking K-9 Mail to the next level.

I would like to ask you a favor: can you please put the "iCalendar support" on your roadmap, please? This feature would really enhance my daily workflow by making receiving, accepting or declining appointments possible via K-9 Mail. Without it there is no really seamless workflow to deal with invitations/ appointments with my email client on my Android.


Anutrix commented 4 months ago

Is this planned before the name change to Thunderbird this year(2024)?