thunderbird / thunderbird-website

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Supernova website looks messy on mobile #464

Closed KyaBamba closed 1 year ago

KyaBamba commented 1 year ago

The new website looks great on mobile, but the download section gets squeezed pretty badly. download

Also in the German version the tagline and cta-heading texts are running too wide and leave the viewport. font

PhilippSchlesinger commented 1 year ago

Also in the German version the tagline and cta-heading texts are running too wide and leave the viewport.

The same holds true for other languages (suomi in this example)


Sancus commented 1 year ago

Fixed in

cadeyrn commented 1 year ago

@Sancus As far as I can see only fixes the buttons but not the too large font / horizontal scrolling of the whole website that is caused by this.