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Survey landing page #577

Closed Sancus closed 2 days ago

Sancus commented 3 weeks ago

We need a small survey landing page at

This is just so that when we load the page in Thunderbird, we're not sending anybody to a 3rd party domain without their consent.

Copy is: `Hello from the Thunderbird team! We'd love if you could take approximately 5 minutes to share your experience using Thunderbird. Your anonymous feedback will help us identify our strengths and the areas we need to improve.

Thanks for helping us make Thunderbird better for everyone!`

Duplicating something like this with centered text and a single button to continue is fine. This is from SurveyMonkey.


This should be a one-time thing, the page can be reused for future surveys.

MelissaAutumn commented 3 weeks ago

Whens the deadline for this? We're sort of blocked by doing website updates until the new redesign is merged in.

We can cherry pick this feature but it might get messy with all of the changes.

Sancus commented 3 weeks ago

We can do this after the new website goes live, lets say for May 20th.

MelissaAutumn commented 2 weeks ago

Initial draft up on

I haven't pushed localization strings up in case there's any copy edits required. Please let me know if the copy is finalized. Thanks!

cc @inattee

inattee commented 2 weeks ago

Nice! Maybe we should include a disclaimer: "Please note: you will be redirected to to complete this survey"

MelissaAutumn commented 2 weeks ago

How does this look @inattee ?


It will dynamically pull in the hostname depending on what the active survey link is, the underline is just for emphasis and isn't a link.

inattee commented 2 weeks ago

It's perfect - thank you!

inattee commented 2 weeks ago

Maybe a period at the end after 'survey'. Sorry, I missed that.

MelissaAutumn commented 2 weeks ago

Here's a live copy version:

The external link notice only shows up if we have a survey link set that points to an external domain. (or basically an absolute url.) So that's why its not showing up right now.

inattee commented 1 week ago

Thanks @MelissaAutumn! Survey has been localized and is ready to go:

R-Adrian commented 2 days ago

might be a good idea to also add in the release notes a link to the survey, for people that actually want to see what the new version release and the survey is about?

currently has no such link... and i had to dig through Bugzilla to find a link to it and to this GitHub issue

Sancus commented 2 days ago

might be a good idea to also add in the release notes a link to the survey, for people that actually want to see what the new version release and the survey is about?

currently has no such link... and i had to dig through Bugzilla to find a link to it and to this GitHub issue

We actually don't want people finding the link on their own and filling in the survey, no. A few people doing it is no big deal. If many people do it(100+) the survey will become heavily selection biased and a lot less useful.

The reason we've done it the way we have is to get as close as possible to a proper random sampling of users.

R-Adrian commented 2 days ago

The reason we've done it the way we have is to get as close as possible to a proper random sampling of users.

Since it is a publicly reachable survey, maybe also add an optional question about this in the survey itself?

Is it possible to modify the survey after deployment without resulting in a link change of the surveymonkey url?

Maybe a question along the lines of: "How did you arrive to this survey?"

MelissaAutumn commented 2 days ago

Thanks for the suggestions!

We're not too worried about outside traffic for this short-lived survey. However we'll take it into consideration for the next survey.

Since this task is completed, I'll go ahead and close this issue.