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Thunderbird release notes for 115.11.1 32 bit lands at "There's Nothing Here" page #593

Closed TookieClothespin closed 1 month ago

TookieClothespin commented 1 month ago

Click on HELP -> ABOUT THUNDERBIRD Then click on release notes (I have 115.11.1 32 bit version) You end up at this page

Which says "There's Nothing Here"

Lately Thunderbird is unable to show you "What's New" before upgrading too.

RobinThai commented 1 month ago

Same issue with 115.11.1 (64-bit)

wsmwk commented 1 month ago


pipistrel-aircraft commented 1 month ago

Same - you arrive at a dead end BUT the "Make a donation" link and page is working ..... Yes i dropped another donation as well

zephyrus00jp commented 1 month ago

It is not often I need to check what changes, but today I needed to check because the saving of a particular attachment file resulted in locked up TB consistently. I was about to file a bugzilla regarding the bug and tried to check the version of TB under Windows via help. But that was when TB automatically checked the update and offered to restart.

After the restart, TB is now 115.11.1 (64-bit). I am on ESR channel. When I tested the saving of this particular file with the updated TB , it worked without an issue

So naturally, I wanted to check what has changed from the Release Note link shown in the help dialog. Tough, there is no release note for 115.11.1 (?)

OOPS, I wrote the memo too quickly, when I changed the destination of save directory, TB again got hung. Something is wrong with the directory scanning code or something (hard to believe, but this is consistent on my PC. The save directory holds a large number of files and directories, which may be the reason for the hung. But it should not happen. ) I will file a bugzillla.

wsmwk commented 1 month ago

There are no functional changes in 115.11.1 - zero code changes.

thoolb commented 1 month ago

Oddly there appears to be no "release notes" at all for 116.0 even in the full list where the newest version with content is 115.11.0 (and 115.11.1. without content):

wsmwk commented 1 month ago

@thoolb 116.0 was removed from the list because that version is not for public use.

intltechventures commented 1 month ago

Confirming that the .yml file for 115.11.1 does not have any detail under the "notes: []" section:

Commit was done by @dandarnell

CORRECTION: @dandarnell just updated the file (2024-05-29, ~16:15 CDT), see Blame for changes:

MelissaAutumn commented 1 month ago

Hi all, thanks for the report!

I see that the release note is now up and available at so I am closing this issue.

thoolb commented 1 month ago

@thoolb 116.0 was removed from the list because that version is not for public use.

@wsmwk, do you have an idea why the app offers an update for 116.0 to me on mac if it's not meant for public use?

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